View Full Version : How Good?

12-21-2018, 02:34 PM
Hello Everyone,

I am a retired person from the Aerospace industry, now teaching at a university. I am interested in purchasing a USA made machine. I am looking at the Desktop Max with the high speed spindle and vac system. I am also currently evaluating a Cam Master as well with the same items. I know this is a Shop Bot forum but, I would like to get an honest opinion of how well the Shop Bot is built and is there anything I have to be worried about on long running jobs. I do work in 3D as a hobby, not a business situation.

I just need some help on which to purchase.

Any help would be appreciated.

12-21-2018, 06:05 PM
I wish shopbot offered a 24x48 moving gantry machine. They have one with a moving table, but I don't care for that when dealing with vac hold down. I have had 3 shopbots and now run a 9648 machine with the win cnc controller like the other one you mention. The win cnc is a more robust controller and has never failed me. The shopbot community is hard to beat as far as any help needed. Search for comm error on the shopbot site and it will scare you. There are positives and negatives both ways really. Great people on both forums. I would give shopbot an edge when talking customer support. Either machine will do fine for hobby work and either is easy to sell used.

12-22-2018, 09:17 AM
Thanks so much for your advice. I do need to make a decision, as both have year end discounts. I have listed my current Axiom Elite 8 on Craigslist. It is sold in the U.S. but, it is a Chinese machine. I just want a machine built in the U.S.

12-22-2018, 10:06 AM
I am not familiar with either model you are looking at but I have been very happy with my shopbot and customer service is great.

12-22-2018, 11:08 AM
There are many good things about both brands. There are issues with both brands. Before you spend your money do some searches on both, or other, forums for issues.

Here's a place to start reading and form your own opinion. Good luck.


12-22-2018, 11:49 AM
Desktop and Max are pretty much identical on accuracy and detail, as the components are close to identical.
Support has been Fantastic for me personally...and then all the Forum help I got was Great getting started!
This is work with an old Desktop with only a single Y ballscrew.
You mentioned 3D...click on pic twice and zoom:)
Accuracy and repeatability are excellent!

12-22-2018, 12:16 PM
I have a full size PRS shopbot and a Cam Master stinger. The shopbot is my preference by far, but that may be largely due to having used it much more and longer (have had 3 shopbots) than the stinger. I do think Shopbot support is FAR superior.

12-23-2018, 12:10 PM
Wow, thanks everyone one! I really needed to get some opinions. The more videos I watch about the ShopBot, the more impressed I am. I wanted to hear the good things about support as that is the issue so far with a Chinese machine.

I also wanted to know how sturdy the ShopBot is.

Thanks again.

12-23-2018, 02:11 PM
>> I also wanted to know how sturdy the ShopBot is.

Sturdy is in the eye of the beholder.

If you expect to cut 1/4" plate aluminum at full depth, 360 IPM, then forget it. The cutter will wallow like a garbage scow. If you expect to cut 3/4" maple at full depth, maximum speed, you're going to be severely disappointed at the cut quality. If this is your use case, then you should look at a much more robust machine.

If you have patience and are willing to work within the limitations of the machine's architecture, then you will be pleased with the results. Shopbot support is quite good and often available after hours and even on weekends. They will work with you patiently and with knowledge to solve whatever problem you have.

12-23-2018, 02:36 PM
Desktop Max is one piece welded like mine....pretty darn rugged....Not Cast, but still Very solid!
Wouldn't get my repeatability if it wasn't!

12-24-2018, 08:55 AM
I have found Shopbot's support to be excellent. Fortunately I haven't needed much support.


12-29-2018, 11:41 AM
Thanks Scott, I was wondering about accuracy and repeatability. I am going to cut wood and plastic. I just wanted a machine that wasn't a ton to move around. I am sure the Bot is a lot lighter and therefore as mentioned I will have to realize the depth and speed I have to use. Of course, I am usually running a lot slower and shallower than most people.

12-29-2018, 12:36 PM
I do not have a desktop model but the mechanics and software are similar. I am a model make and have found that the repeatability and accuracy is excellent. As others have already stated the Bot Family is why I bought my machine in the first place. For the past 10 years my machine has produced some really cool models, some pieces of furniture, lot's of toys, and some signs. Russ

A model
A table topper
a 1/8thh scale model
A small sign

12-31-2018, 07:26 AM
Searched for pics and found them for moving machine.
My regular Desktop was easy to forklift at trucking company into my pickup, then 2 friends easily shifted crate onto a castered Delta workstand. Then remove upper part of crate,unpack, and got it last 20' into shop pretty easy.
When my Makercrate was finished, easy enough for me in a wheelchair, and 82 yr old Mom to move to 'Crate top.(First 2 pics)

My friend Chad had one of the first Max's shipped, but had a total different situation......see next thread.

12-31-2018, 07:50 AM
Chad had specified a "Lift Gate" on delivery truck,and managed to get it into garage on a furniture dolly from a muddy dirt drive.
BUT he had to get it to back of house/down a steel bulkhead that had a landing and a 90 degree corner into basement :(

It had to be carried flat with 4 friend out back, then turned on side, and with 2-3 friends(third friend pretty useless and got squashed a little:).
VERY small tight landing with sheetrock walls. He was tempted to use his Shopbot "Emergency Hershey bar":)

*Important* NOT to let gantry move too much/too fast(if at all), as Possible to generate electricity Back into your board and fry something!
Here's some pics on how Chad did it.
Hopefully you won't have such a scenario, but imagine with a cast iron table!

Chad eventually swapped for a conventional Desktop to RV with it as a forest firefighter in any down times.
We always shipped our Desktop to trade shows with gantry parallel to direction of travel, and web strapped gantry as well for corners or accidents.
Hopefully any help at all.

12-31-2018, 09:54 AM
Oh..in pic 4 "Eyebolts"were used to sling shoulder harnesses which saved it from dropping twice he said.

01-01-2019, 09:06 AM
Excellent work!

01-01-2019, 09:53 AM
I have a shopbot buddy 24x32 with a 4 foot power stick which gives me a cutting area of 48x32. on occasion i cut something wider than 24 but wish the shopbot max was available when i made my purchase. I just recently had my buddy tuned up and this was my first cutting and fyi i use a porter cable routerhttp://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=32395&stc=1.