View Full Version : Part file Error

02-11-2019, 06:19 PM
What a Monday! Came into work today and the shopbot run 2 toolpaths from fine from what my coworker said. He went to C3 and rezero and now all we can get is this part file error message and can not get it to change tools or anything.

Input past end of file (62)
Line - 0:
C:\SbParts\Custom\ATC_Local_Data\ATC_Tool|Variable s.sbc

Hopefully someone can HELP!?

thanks in advance!!

02-11-2019, 07:39 PM
I'm guessing you've had a harddrive failure.

Martin Reid
02-12-2019, 08:34 AM
Dear Chad

My first reaction would be to shut everything down, PC and ShopBot - power off on all switches. Wait a while, at least long enough for the lights to go out on the monitors.

(be careful) Make sure all three proximity switches are clear. Re-boot and hey-presto; C3 and C2.

Sincerely and in good faith

02-12-2019, 12:42 PM
One thing I've noted in the Shopbot control software is problems when you shut it down. Sometimes the configuration files get corrupted when the software goes to update them on shutdown. I've turned my system off on Friday after cutting plywood for 10 straight hours, turned it on Monday morning and it's all screwed up. I know nothing happended to it while it was turned off so my only conclusion is that the files somehow got corrupted when I shut it down Friday. This has happened to me on multiple occasions in the past 10 years I've had the machine. I don't have a clue what else it could be...

02-12-2019, 04:34 PM
One thing I've noted in the Shopbot control software is problems when you shut it down. Sometimes the configuration files get corrupted when the software goes to update them on shutdown. I've turned my system off on Friday after cutting plywood for 10 straight hours, turned it on Monday morning and it's all screwed up. I know nothing happended to it while it was turned off so my only conclusion is that the files somehow got corrupted when I shut it down Friday. This has happened to me on multiple occasions in the past 10 years I've had the machine. I don't have a clue what else it could be...

Do you end the SB control software prior to shutdown or just turn off the computer? If the program is ended prior to a controlled shutdown, there shouldn't be any issues with files. In theory, doing a controlled shutdown without ending the SB control software should also result in no corrupted files. If you're running software prior to Win7, then that might not be the case.

02-12-2019, 05:12 PM
I always shut down the software before shutting down the CNC or the computer. Windows 7 Pro.

02-12-2019, 07:06 PM
I always shut down the software before shutting down the CNC or the computer. Windows 7 Pro.

Absolutely. As a former IT guy that is ALWAYS the thing to do, without exception. A LOT goes on behind the scenes following an EXIT. I also almost NEVER use a Restart. It's 95% the same as Start but can make a difference. In the mainframe world we called it 'shut down all the way to the wall' - we literally had a breaker box.

02-12-2019, 09:01 PM
I may have cold booted my control computer twice in five years. Never a problem... (Not saying it won't happen though!)

Typically, when finished with a job, I shut down the program, then when the program has exited, the SB, then press the power button on the computer to put it to sleep. Windows 7 with no updates since 2013.

The best advice is a complete power down though.

02-13-2019, 07:25 PM
We was able to figure it out. Austin said it was an ordeal and about a half a day fix on the phone with ShopBot tech support. Something was corrupt in the ATC tool change file. Needless to say we made backup files for both computers for the Control Software.

02-13-2019, 10:17 PM
I may have cold booted my control computer twice in five years. Never a problem... (Not saying it won't happen though!)

Typically, when finished with a job, I shut down the program, then when the program has exited, the SB, then press the power button on the computer to put it to sleep. Windows 7 with no updates since 2013.

The best advice is a complete power down though.

I might possibly have been mis-understood. I was referencing the PC computer only. I only shut down the control box if there is an issue or other reason to do so - which is seldom.

02-13-2019, 10:30 PM
>> I might possibly have been mis-understood. I was referencing the PC computer only. I only shut down the control box if there is an issue or other reason to do so - which is seldom.

If I leave the control box powered, the fan in the spindle runs. I don't want that powered unless I'm using the machine.

I'm curious why you would leave your control box powered if you're not using it? Seems potentially hazardous to those expensive parts.