View Full Version : Steppers not moving

04-20-2006, 04:46 PM
There was a fire in the shop, the fire burned the computer but not the control box.
So I bought a new computer and install the same old version of the software and worked right in Preview, but when I connected the steppers none of them move.
I know they are energized since I can`t move them by hand but when i try to move them with the K command they just made like a 1 degree turn -almost nothing- and stop.
Errors appear on the monitor 1-Lost comm w/tool , 2-Speed value error and 3-Something about the software version of the control box...
I need to shut down the control box and power box, and try again, and again.
-The old computer worked with Windows 98, this one with Windows XP.
-This is a PRT96

Is it the software?
Or the Heat caused by the fire?
Does anyone knows about this?

04-20-2006, 04:53 PM
Was the cable between the control box and the computer damaged?

Hector Lopez (Unregistered Guest)
04-21-2006, 10:21 PM
No the cable was ok.
Right now we are changing the computer for an older one with windows 98 to test it like the original. What do you think?

04-22-2006, 12:50 AM
Hey, where are all the helpful ShopBotters to try and get Hector going after a fire?

Hector, hope that you have phoned ShopBot on this as well.

04-22-2006, 02:07 AM
First, the computer has to talk to the controller. Do the COM port numbers match? Baud rate the same? Stop bit(s) the same? Handshaking the same?

Second, if you have a Z-zero plate, does the icon on the screen light up when you touch the plate to metal?

If you have communication between the computer and the controller, and the controller shows activity on an Input Line, then we'll have to try something else.

04-22-2006, 03:51 AM
If I am understanding this right, the computer and controller initially do connect, so it must be finding the comm port.

There seems to be one-way communication.....the motors move fractionally after a K command and then errors come up on the screen.

Would the loopback test work for a PRT?

04-22-2006, 04:26 AM
Start with the simplest to fix and progressively get more detailed:

With power OFF check the WAGO connectors (gray plastic wire connectors) at each motor and at each connection on the control board. Make sure each is tightly connected and that each wire in each connector is making good contact. If you had disconnected the motor wiring after the fire, make sure they are now properly routed with X Y and Z cables to the proper connections on the control board.

Since the shopbot software is a new software installation on your new computer, if you haven't already done so, run the control box loader software so it finds the correct port to communicate between computer and control box.

Now make sure your UNIT values are correct for your particular PRT. This may vary from what the software defaults to depending on if your motors have the gear boxes or depending on the number of teeth on, I think it's called the pinion gear.

If you previously had changed any values in the Z Zero file for the thickness of your particular Z Zero plate, don't forget to edit that file again and put in the actual thickness of your Z Zero plate.

Now since you have Windows XP, turn off any power saving features that will power down the monitor or hard drive, turn off any screen savers, and look into the Start menu and msconfig to see what your computer is automatically loading at start-up, which you may not need running. Disable anything not absolutely necessary. Things running in the background can sometimes disrupt the signal from the computer to the control box. If you are using the same computer to access the internet, make sure your email program is not checking for new email every 5 minutes. While running shopbot files on your control box, turn off any programs in your computer that access the internet. (Instant message programs, email, chat etc.)

Brady Watson
04-22-2006, 11:01 AM
How fast (MHz?) is the 'new' computer? If it is not at least 850MHz, then the motors will move very slowly with poor performance. If you are running a slower computer & a PRT, you can use the DOS version of the control software to get you going until you get a faster computer. DOwnload v2.39m from the SB site. Be sure to run the Load46.exe control box firmware since it is different from the Windows SB3 version.


04-24-2006, 03:19 PM
Thanks Guys for helping,
1. Wires are ok
2. Computer its a Dell 2.8GHz, 384MRam
3. Software is v.3.4.23
4. The Firmware is updated to the newest version included on the software
5. So if the software did uptate the control box there is communication, and works fine in Preview, but when I switch to Move/Cut there is a Data Error 401 and donīt connect to the Tool.
------- In the proccess of updating etc. we test the bot with an older computer using Windows98 and it was working perfect with v.2.28 with the old firmware, but when we tried to update everything the new software update the firmware and ... we are stuck here, we try with the older version again but I think the new Firmware is not compatible with v.2.28.


04-24-2006, 03:34 PM

Version 2.28 is for a PR and a PR will not work with version 3 software. You will need to use a DOS based computer and run the load program that is in your SB200 folder to load the correct firmware.

04-24-2006, 03:37 PM
let me do that, Thanks Frank

04-24-2006, 03:39 PM
Frank, Can you please give me directions to load the correct firmware?

04-24-2006, 03:44 PM

Go to My Computer and the path to the firmware loader file is C:\SB200\load23.exe. Double click on the file and follow the prompts.

05-03-2006, 10:17 PM
THANKS everybody for your help,
Bot running fine again.
Best Regards
(Thanks Frank)