View Full Version : Desktop Dimensions

Mike Caul
02-13-2019, 04:51 PM
I know Shopbot says the footprint of the Desktop model is 39" in width. Does this include the control box on the gantry or is it the actual "foot print"? I have very limited are to work with.


02-13-2019, 05:06 PM
39" from the boltheads on the gantry to the outside of the VFD knob on the spindle model...that's the very widest point.

Steve Rice
02-05-2021, 02:13 PM
Jumping on this one for some more dimensional help. Can anybody help me with the actual dimensions between the feet? I have an existing table that MIGHT be perfect if I knew the actual contact points of the Desktop.


02-05-2021, 04:10 PM
Jumping on this one for some more dimensional help. Can anybody help me with the actual dimensions between the feet? I have an existing table that MIGHT be perfect if I knew the actual contact points of the Desktop.


Side to side:
30” C/C of foot adjusting screws and pads are 2” dia.

Front to back:
28 1/4 “ C/C of adjusting screws and pads are also 2” dia

This is for a Desktop not a Deaktop Max