View Full Version : Flakey step motor/controller

06-14-2008, 01:27 AM
Tuesday my shopbot started cutting sloppy and I found out one of the x-axis step motors wasn't working. Swapped the 2 x-axis gecko controllers and the other quit working. Swapped them back and they both started working. Today after cutting a carving that took over an hour, I changed bits for 5 minutes of flat clearance cutting and it stopped working again (cut sloppy). I powered the shopbot controller off and on and it started working again. Monday I am ordering a spare gecko drive or two - does that sound like what the problem is? Do they sometimes get flakey before they quit working or could I have a bad connection somewhere?
One small sign I made on tuesday had an interesting hand made look. Had me stumped for a bit - couldn't figure out what would all of the sudden cause the machine to loose precision but still basically cut what it was supposed to.

06-14-2008, 03:02 PM

What is the temperature of the Geckos? They will shut off if they get too hot. Try leaving the control box cover open or off and then use a 20" or larger room fan to blow on the control box.

06-14-2008, 10:23 PM
Thanks Mike. I will try that.