View Full Version : Probing ?????

04-13-2008, 08:59 AM
New to probing and need some help.
I scanned to two parts at one time with 1/4'' plywood under them to keep the probe off the table. They will be run together on the same peice of wood. For some reason the area between the parts were scanned as part of the part and are connected. The probe never touched the table and the area around the parts were clear but in between its part of the part.
Any idea why???

Also can I bring the file into Partworks to remove that area before toolpathing?? I tried but could not bring it in. In the surface translator I saved it as a DXF surface. How do I get the probed info. into Partworks?? No problem getting it into Partworks 3D.

Thanks for all your help.


04-13-2008, 09:27 AM
Hi Bob,

There's no way that I know of to probe two seperate things in one file without them being connected, because every point where the probe makes contact is recorded so that the tool motion is continuous within a part file...it's just moving from the last contact point on one section to the first contact point in the second. You'll need to probe them each as a seperate file if you want them as 2 distinct parts.

You might try running your current file through the sbp to dxf converter in the FC command, which will create a file that you should be able to work with in Partworks.


04-13-2008, 10:04 AM
I want to run these two parts together in the same toolpath on the same peice of wood. I have over a 1/4'' space between them and the probe did not touch anything including the table in that area. But it has materal in that space as if the probe had made contact.


04-13-2008, 01:27 PM

The issue is that every toolpath file has to be continuous from start to finish...there can't be a break in it between sections. If you try to probe 2 distinct pieces as one probe file then all the contact points have to be connected. If you look at the file you'll see that none of the points between the pieces are recorded, but only the contact points on each piece.

Can you probe the parts in the other direction...as Y dominant instead of X dominant...so that the scanning passes are parallel to the opposite axis? There will still be a connection between the 2 sections but it should only be one line. I'm afraid the best solution, though, is to probe them as seperate pieces.


04-13-2008, 01:36 PM
Ok Bill if I scan them as different peices can I bring them into Partworks and set them up to cut together on the same peice of wood. Or would I need different softwear??
