View Full Version : Christmas in July
07-18-2019, 04:35 PM
Just received word from the freight company that they will be delivering my new Desktop tomorrow…...Guess I'd better get my desk cleaned off :rolleyes:
07-18-2019, 06:54 PM
See if you can get it on a dedicated 15Amp breaker, or don't use the other circuits on that breaker if possible(Both ours had dedicated 20amp,as it went directly to the UPS which also ran the computer).
DON"T go yarding the gantry around manually with power off...generates electricity that CAN fry you boards. Maybe a couple straps to keep gantry from moving if you have to tip it sideways for a door.
FOR some reason, both new Desktops were shipped with the limit switches OFF....maybe not anymore, but in Command line, type VN to check.
MAY want to change VCP SAFE Z1 and Home position Z from the default 2" on any files you've made for thick material.....Your Z Limit switch will simply stop it safely thank goodness, BUT can be distracting.
Make sure your computer has ALL power saving features OFF/NEVER...and all Updates and scheduled stuff turned OFF (Antivirus's are the worst)
And last off all, might as well run your bare copper wire INSIDE the DC hose all the way back to vac while you're setting up.....Do NOT let the end at the dust foot contact anything!
(I just wrapped it around the end of the wire that runs inside the plastic)
Crate with 3/4" ply glued to the top has made a nice little sanding/finishing station for me...don't get out the sledge and crowbar:)
Keep your finger near the Spacebar:) :) :)
07-18-2019, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the tips Scott. I’m sure the learning curve is going to be greater than with what I now have. Just hope I don’t screw things up while learning.
07-19-2019, 08:25 AM
No problem Ron....I got TONS of Forum help when I started. :)
I thought of a couple other things overnight.
Clear 2.25" DC hose helps a LOT to determine where a clog is! Our DC dust foot outlet is smaller than a full size machine, so it clogs easier. It helps when Hogging out a lot of material, to Hog ACROSS the grain to keep long strips from clogging it.
To make unclogging easier, I skipped the hose clamp onto the dust foot, and just increased diameter with some Rockler Extreme tape(Duct tape would probably work as well) to create a tight friction fit...makes it simpler to clean clogs.
EASY to install the braided copper wire...wrap it around a small rag, and let the vac pull it through(again clear hose helps).
On SOME Desktops, there is no need to move the alligator clip.
To test, simply try attaching the alligator to the left leg leveler bolt....and then touch the tip of the bit to the Z-Plate....IF green light shows on Input're good to Z-Zero:)
Test EVERY time for the green light BEFORE Z-Zeroing!!!
Clamp can move/wires can break/bit can be coated with gunk/SOME coatings prevent conductivity.
IF you have the spindle. DON"T forget the warm-up routine if machine hasn't run for more than a couple hours.
Have FUN!! :)
07-19-2019, 09:29 AM
I had to chuckle when you wrote regarding the ground wire on the vac hose. Being new to the CNC world I like to observe what's cutting and didn't want to have a dust boot shielding my view. I made a loss foam mold of a nozzle and laid up a fiberglass nozzle which has a friction fit to my hose so I can quickly remove and pickup any remaining cuttings. As I don't currently have a ground wire the static charge builds up quite a nest of dust/chips under the nozzle and looks like my nozzle has grown a beard.
I've enclosed a photo of my current set up on my spindle. (Yes I ordered the Bot with a spindle) I will be adding a ground wire on the new set up.
Oops, didn't mean to post the image rotated :confused:
07-20-2019, 08:48 AM
NICE 'Glass work on that nozzle! ( built canoes/kayaks/etc. for a bit with Earl Baldwin who was feuding with Bart Hathaway of Old Town at the time:)
What's the machine pictured?
If dustfoot plexi is set at the Park collet wrench height...magnet on foot holds it securely enough to hold a finger on the collet with one hand, and spin nut with other hand for starting. Easier for the 2 standing people I trained for the other Desktop, and WAY easier for me in the 'Chair:)
I use a dedicated Fein II Hepa and the small metal canister Dust Deputy on my Desktop, and use without dust foot a fair amount on my small stuff...Fein will catch most of the nasty "Fines", and leave the heaviers to easily vac after. No film in my coffee cup:) Found the high vac/low volume worked better than than an old 1.75hp "Dustbag" Delta 4" hose choked down and dedicated.
Still using the original Fein HEPA filter which is clean after 5 yrs....Dust Deputy is just right combo with the FeinII for the Desktop for me!
One thing I haven't done is make a 3" bristle dust foot version for surfacing with longer bits,or branches and such....messy:(
Friend in VA bought one direct from Shopbot and loves it for surfacing his small sign rough stock.
How's set up coming?
07-20-2019, 10:24 AM
Scott - You need at least one or two more hoses added to that setup. :)
07-20-2019, 04:22 PM
Working on new bench so it's still in the box :p
Ok I give up. Why are my picture posting rotated 90 degrees?:mad:
07-20-2019, 05:03 PM
I found that if my pictures are taken with an iPhone, it’s rotation is true to how it was taken originally… the only way I can be assured of proper orientation is to open it in Photoshop and then save it.
07-20-2019, 06:52 PM
Jim, I already have them now:)
4" clearhose on floor now has quick connect to my stationary belt sander,using the original Fein18' hose for my RO's on the sanding table, and still using that rinky dink Sears shopvac hose for cleaning machine at end of day. BEST hose was that first 4" doublewall anti-static hose(gray) that came with the Dust Deputy with the steel canister back then....NO adapters needed and plugged directly into Fein with choking it down with adapters, and it friction fit to top of cyclone:)
They way the machine is normally kitty-cornered, I needed that extra blast gate(Cheap plastic Rockler's that are leaking now after 5 yrs) at that end so I didn't have to wheelchair all around shop to turn vac on and direct it. Not QUITE as gommy as it looks....LOVE being able to move it Everything as a unit!! :)
NOW my biggest problem is to remember to dump the canister after big chip jobs like burls and firewood:)
07-25-2019, 04:27 PM
Well I finally got it out of the box. Have a few things to tidy up before I can make chips.
07-26-2019, 08:01 AM
Getting there Ron:)
Looks like a nice rig...where's control computer going?
07-26-2019, 09:41 AM
"finally got it out of the box" That's got to raise the excitement level! :D Russ
07-26-2019, 01:21 PM
where's control computer going?
That’s one of the “Tidy up” items :D
10-05-2019, 04:11 PM
happy Merry Christmas to all of you
10-05-2019, 06:06 PM
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