View Full Version : Errant profile cut

09-21-2019, 07:52 PM
The last cut on a project (profile cut) went wrong.
No problem with the previous roughing cut, the 3D finish cut or the Vcarve cut.
When I ran the profile cut the bit plunged completely through the material and cut the profile.
Material thickness was .800
Set the z zero after bit change
Z Zero set on material surface
Profile depth of cut was set at .815
Multiple passes set for profile (6)
Tabs set at .375 length and .200 height.
Scared the **** out of me but I let the cut continue until at the start of the cut it again plunged the cutter at which time I hit the spacebar.


09-21-2019, 08:10 PM
Check connection for Z prox switch and maybe bent/scraped/broken wire?
Any components acting wonky in any way recently(mouse/keyboard/monitor/USB?)
No USB stick left in slot?
ALL software updates and antivirus OFF, and power settings to always ON?

Did you check "I have Z limit switch(prox)" box when setting up?
When Z-Zeroed new bit, did it retract to Safe-Z after second tap, Pause for a sec,continue up to to limit switch, and lower .125"?

ALL cuts were good until then Ron?

Didn't happen to do a Spacebar Pause, open a file or something, and then hit Resume did you?

Tired and that's all I can think of except static until caffeine tomorrow am.

09-21-2019, 08:45 PM
No, everything was normal up until the profile cut.
The 3D finish cut was a rather long one 4+ hours but the following Vcarve was normal
I now have a rather deep circle cut into my spoilboard :(

09-22-2019, 07:29 AM
Did you pause the job at anytime during the cut?

09-22-2019, 11:11 AM
Did you pause the job at anytime during the cut?

No. Not during the final profile cut.

Only stopped between bit changes for each Toolpath

09-22-2019, 11:12 AM
Did the Z axis actually move or did your end mill slide out of the collet? An upcut end mill exerts quite a lot of downward pull on the end mill. If the collet nut isn't tight enough, it will pull the end mill out and destroy your spoilboard. I've had that happen before (have the mark in my spoilboard to remind me constantly). Be sure your collet is tightened appropriately. If you have a spindle, it is nearly impossible to overtighten the collet nut.

09-22-2019, 12:21 PM
No. Not during the final profile cut.

Only stopped between bit changes for each Toolpath

Did you completely stop, or just pause? There's an odd bug in SB3 that if you pause during a job and start again, every now and then it'll send the Z axis down WAY too far.

09-22-2019, 12:34 PM
Did the Z axis actually move or did your end mill slide out of the collet? An upcut end mill exerts quite a lot of downward pull on the end mill. If the collet nut isn't tight enough, it will pull the end mill out and destroy your spoilboard. I've had that happen before (have the mark in my spoilboard to remind me constantly). Be sure your collet is tightened appropriately. If you have a spindle, it is nearly impossible to overtighten the collet nut.

I really wish it was that simple however the bit is in the same position as I started. What shocked me at the beginning of the cut was how close the collet nut was to my material surface when it plunged down.

I知 going to do an air cut with the same file to see what happens. Depending on that outcome I値l run a new file and cross my fingers. Actually I値l have my fingers close to the kill switch

09-22-2019, 01:17 PM
"No USB stick left in slot?" I had never had an issue with that for over 10 years then . . . . . 6 hours into a job it 'wonked'! Fortunately I was able to get the job back on track but what the curse seemed to relate back to was, I had left the 'transfer' thumbdrive in and it was 'blinking'! I had no idea that was even possible but . . . . I hope your plunging Z gets fixed. It is so frustrating to have a glitch and not be able to find an answer. Russ

09-22-2019, 07:17 PM
If I'm bringing in a file from another computer, I run it directly off the SD card. If I'm writing it on the control computer, I run it off the computer hard drive. I've never had a problem running off the SD card before.

Brady Watson
09-23-2019, 07:32 AM
All sbp files should be run from the C drive. Not across a network, not on an SD card and certainly not on a USB stick. Both USB and SD hardware should be properly ejected before physically removing them.

If you adhere to those guidelines you'll eliminate a lot of problems you don't even know could happen...like USB selective suspend shutting down hours in, the USB bus dropping sb3 connection because you didn't eject etc.

At this point in the game, most glitches are user error in one form or another. Reevaluate each step of what you are doing with a fine toothed comb. This is a great learning opportunity as you build your skills. Too often the blame is anywhere other than ourselves. We're all guilty of it... being honest with yourself will often reveal what has been hidden in your routine so you can solve the problem.

09-23-2019, 11:15 AM
All sbp files should be run from the C drive. Not across a network, not on an SD card and certainly not on a USB stick. Both USB and SD hardware should be properly ejected before physically removing them.

If you adhere to those guidelines you'll eliminate a lot of problems you don't even know could happen...like USB selective suspend shutting down hours in, the USB bus dropping sb3 connection because you didn't eject etc.

At this point in the game, most glitches are user error in one form or another. Reevaluate each step of what you are doing with a fine toothed comb. This is a great learning opportunity as you build your skills. Too often the blame is anywhere other than ourselves. We're all guilty of it... being honest with yourself will often reveal what has been hidden in your routine so you can solve the problem.

Interesting. If what you say is true (and I have no reason to doubt it) then I guess I致e been fortunate as all my files have been run from a USB stick without encountering errors. As my Vectric work is done on my desktop computer than transferred via USB stick to my control computer. I値l change my modus operandi to transfer from stick to C drive then run the file.

09-23-2019, 11:32 AM
I am not informed enough to know for certain about running from a flash drive but I have followed Brady's and other's advice on this for a number of years. One added benefit of transfering from the flash to the control computer is that you are creating a backup of the files. I usually just copy the whole file (Aspire file and all) from my design computer to a flash to the control computer. Viola another backup of my file with almost no effort.

09-23-2019, 12:08 PM
It's been more than six years of error free use of the SD card. I've not encountered any errors at all with my SB except when the power fluctuates and that's not very often. I've run jobs that have taken literally days without any issues at all. Have I been lucky? Does my dinky Windows 7 computer have something special? Does using a fast SD card eliminate this potential error? Does having a PRS Alpha mitigate issues like this?

I'm a "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" guy so until I have a problem, I'm going to continue using my SD card to run files.

Frankly, a lot of the advice I've seen on this forum for solving comm errors border on superstition and old wives tales.

For instance, the idea of running a physical wire down the dust collection hose. That's actually ludicrous. If you have the proper hose that's rated for dust collection, the wire that keeps the hose from collapsing is perfectly suitable for collecting static electricity if that wire itself is grounded. That's what I do. Did I mention I've gone six years without a comm error?

09-23-2019, 12:35 PM
Knock on wood!!!

09-23-2019, 01:31 PM
Have you actually looked at your cut file to verify its correct?
I've accidently entered incorrect cut or step down depths more times than I care to admit...

09-23-2019, 01:37 PM
What does the cut file specify for the first depth of the profile cut (open it in the editor)? Remove any copyrighted objects in your file (models), zip it up and post it so we can take a look at.

Decimal point in the wrong place? 8.15/6 is 1.35 which could be possible without hitting the collet.

09-23-2019, 02:35 PM
What does the cut file specify for the first depth of the profile cut (open it in the editor)? Remove any copyrighted objects in your file (models), zip it up and post it so we can take a look at.

Decimal point in the wrong place? 8.15/6 is 1.35 which could be possible without hitting the collet.


The Aspire Toolpath:
Cut depth .815
7 passes (Oops, thought it was 6)


Brady Watson
09-23-2019, 06:10 PM
It's been more than six years of error free use of the SD card. I've not encountered any errors at all with my SB except when the power fluctuates and that's not very often. I've run jobs that have taken literally days without any issues at all. Have I been lucky? Does my dinky Windows 7 computer have something special? Does using a fast SD card eliminate this potential error? Does having a PRS Alpha mitigate issues like this?

I'm a "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" guy so until I have a problem, I'm going to continue using my SD card to run files.

Frankly, a lot of the advice I've seen on this forum for solving comm errors border on superstition and old wives tales.

For instance, the idea of running a physical wire down the dust collection hose. That's actually ludicrous. If you have the proper hose that's rated for dust collection, the wire that keeps the hose from collapsing is perfectly suitable for collecting static electricity if that wire itself is grounded. That's what I do. Did I mention I've gone six years without a comm error?

Why is it that those who give the most definitive answers self-admit to never having the problem?

It's talk like this that drives those of us who actually do know by first hand experience away from the SBF.

For the record, all those 'superstitious' COM/grounding/SD/USB recommendations - were 'officially' recommended by SB support at one point or another.

I'm not here for ego stroking. As far as I am concerned, y'all can stroke each other from here on out.

09-23-2019, 06:51 PM
Why is it that those who give the most definitive answers self-admit to never having the problem?

It's talk like this that drives those of us who actually do know by first hand experience away from the SBF.

For the record, all those 'superstitious' COM/grounding/SD/USB recommendations - were 'officially' recommended by SB support at one point or another.

I'm not here for ego stroking. As far as I am concerned, y'all can stroke each other from here on out.

Well I知 not stroking anyone.....sorry I brought up the question in the first place. Just trying to understand what happened with my cut. As you can see by the settings from the Vectric file as well as the cut file it appears something went wonky.

Brian Harnett
09-23-2019, 07:50 PM
Well I’m not stroking anyone.....sorry I brought up the question in the first place. Just trying to understand what happened with my cut. As you can see by the settings from the Vectric file as well as the cut file it appears something went wonky.

Brady was not referring to you, I had a similar incident happen twice on my y axis this was a long time ago with my original prt controller I did extra grounding and it never happened again. I have since upgraded to a prs control have not had the issue with it, though once in a while a comm disconnection.

09-24-2019, 10:10 AM
Like Brian said - some of us have experienced issues, employed the advice freely afforded to us here, and voila - solved some problems.
Glad many of us do not have such issues, but even happier to have sage advice a few keystrokes away if things do go afoul.
Thank you to all who've helped me, now lets get out of each other's way and help the original guy get his issue solved.

(Again, Rtibbs, I'm confident no offence was intended towards you, and those with experience and the willingness to help would simply like to get back to the focus of the thread.)


09-25-2019, 11:57 AM
Errant cut update. I ran a different file today and all toolpaths went as designed. I also did an air cut with the file that "Ate my spoilboard" and of course it ran just as it was supposed to.
Guess I'll chalk this one up to hummmm :confused:

Thanks for the suggestions guy's
