View Full Version : Sudden problem with my z-plate...

03-27-2007, 06:40 PM
Hey all. Really weird problem cropped up the other day with my z-plate.

It was working fine for a while, but about three days ago it suddenly thinks that my router is part of the circut. I mean that if I take the clamp and plate off the holder, and touch them I can watch the light on the control panel turn on and off just like it should, but then if I touch the clamp to the bit or the router body it, too, makes the light trigger. Which has me a bit concerned, for it very much sounds like a short someplace. I've looked at all the Z-plate wires and can't find any problems at all. They look good. Could something else be putting a slight charge into my Shopbot frame that's triggering the z-plate? Anyone run into something like this before?

03-27-2007, 07:06 PM
The router is also part of the circuit, unless I am not understanding what you are saying what is happening is normal.

03-28-2007, 12:09 AM
no, see, the light is turning on when the clamp, and only the clamp, is touching the bit and/or router body. I'm holding the plate, and it's not touching anything.

So what happens when I try to run the z-zero routine I get a 'cannot clear' error for the shopbot thinks the plate and the bit are touching, when they aren't, because of this short (or whatever) it thinks they are always touching...

03-28-2007, 12:22 AM
The Z-plate circuit is grounding somewhere... maybe it is connected the other way around...?