View Full Version : Wood Available

11-18-2019, 03:56 PM
Hi all,

I have sawed a large number of trees over the past 3-4 years and have much more wood than I could ever use in my lifetime ( I am 69 this year). I would be willing to sell the rough cut lumber for a low but fair price if anyone wants to travel to Cleveland, TN.I have mostly Maple, Ambrosia Maple, White Oak, some Iron Wood and Bradford Pear. Not sure of what I have really other than that and we would probably have to cull through it to find what you want. I cut most of it 1" up to 3" thick.

I also don't think I mentioned that I also have a qty of cypress in 1.5" and 2.5 inch in case anyone is interested.

I didn't think about shipping, I wouldn't have a problem cutting to length and shipping the wood. Depending on the species/thickness the cost of the wood would be more than fair and I would do all I can to keep shipping low too.

Joe (bravesoul1950@gmail.com)