View Full Version : 4g board - Y axis only moves one direction

06-01-2007, 12:11 AM
Just installed the 4g board tonight. Everything went pretty much as documented but now the Y axis only moves in the positive direction with the K command with BOTH (up & dn arrows). Using ver 3.5.3 software and downloaded firmware. Did I miss something? Any ideas anyone?

06-01-2007, 07:39 AM
Have you checked DIRECTION connection on the Gecko stepper driver (terminal #8) for the Y-motor? It sounds like the direction signal is not getting to the Gecko stepper driver.

06-01-2007, 12:00 PM
Also check your y-axis wire. Maybe on install a wire pulled out of the connector enough to not be connected. Swap your Y for your Z and see if the problem follows, i.e. if your Z only goes one way then it could be the Gecko, if the y is still having trouble then it could be the wire to the y stepper.

I recently had a similar problem that was due to a loose connection where the wire goes into the big plug that goes into the controller. A simple reseating with the wago connector tool, and I was back running. I bet when you swapped to the 4G you might have loosened one of the wires going into the wago connector, and I'd start there.

06-03-2007, 07:53 PM
Thanks Mike and Jeffrey for the suggestions. I swapped the Y and Z and problem move to the Z. I then swapped Geckos but that didn't resolve problem either. Checked for cold solder joints on board, connections on Geckos etc but couldn't find any problem. Spoke to Tech Support and they are sending out a new board.