View Full Version : Duck decoy files?

11-30-2020, 04:37 PM
Anyone out there using the Shopbot to make duck hunting decoys? I am thinking of trying that out with some cedar or foam. Need a file if there is one...

12-06-2021, 05:36 PM
I have made one from cedar.
Took a plastic decoy cut in half and then took my probe and made a cut file. Go to Facebook and search the Woodworkers shop . I have a picture of it there. I glued the 2 halves together and put a few details in with a dremel.

12-06-2021, 06:59 PM
On a whim, I googled "Duck Decoy STL" and got quite a lot of useful links including this one:

A duck decoy STL scanned with a high end scanner. I suspect that a bunch of others exist out there. With the 3D printer craze going full tilt, the number of free STL models available for download should increase as time goes on.