View Full Version : Spindle weight

12-24-2020, 05:52 PM
What is the maximun weight of spindle that can be handled for a Shopbot PRT ALPHA96?

01-24-2021, 12:35 PM
Doesn't look like anyone has a solid answer for you. I would tell you that those machines were set up with PC 3.25HP routers, which are roughly the same weight as a spindle. I have a PRS Alpha, which HAD a pneumatic drill added to the 4HP spindle set up, and when that drill was added, the previous owner got heavier springs, to support the additional load. I believe he got them as part of the drill kit, from ShopBot. If you are going to put a 2.2 - 3HP spindle on the machine, you probably do not need it. (I am GUESSING here) If you are going to put a 4HP or 5HP spindle on there, you MAY want it. SB should be able to guide you swiftly- and via email- because it appears you are posting from Ecuador and long distance might be inconvenient at best... They may also be able to tell you if you might need additional stiffening of the Y carriage support frame. Best of luck on it.

01-24-2021, 04:25 PM
I have a stock set of springs in a PRS Standard that came with a spindle. With the spindle alone when the machine was powered off the springs kept the spindle up. I added an air drill later and it would sink a little when powered off, but largely held everything up.

I recently upgraded to an S30C spindle which weighs 26 lbs and that seems to be just fine with my stock springs (I no longer have the air drill installed)

01-25-2021, 10:03 AM
I have a 2013 PRS Alpha with the Shopbot supplied 4hp spindle. The springs hold the weight just fine. Still good after 8 years.