View Full Version : Mirror image cutting
04-24-2001, 02:18 PM
how do I change the program to quit doing backwards cutting, like when I cut the shop bot logo, it cuts the logo backwards?
04-24-2001, 04:35 PM
Is it just part files that cut backwards, or does the tool run backwards if you give it a keyboard command like MX, 10? Is it just the X-axis or is it backwards AND upside-down?
If it's just when you're running part files then the only thing I can think of is that the X-axis scale factor has been set to a negative number. When you type FP to run the ShopBot logo file, make sure that the scale factor settings in the fill-in sheet are postive numbers.
If it moves backwards all the time then it could be a couple of things. First, are you sure that you're looking at the correct corner as your 0,0 point corner ( your home position)? Look at your assembly manual and make sure you have it right; it's easy to get it wrong in the beginning.
Next, make sure that the wires going to your X-axis motors are plugged into the correct drivers in the control box. Also make sure that the other ends of the wires are plugged in to the correct motors.
Unlikely but possible is that your unit values could be negative numbers. Type UV, then look at the unit value settings. If any of them is a negative number then that might be your problem.
The last possiblility is that something was wired wrong when the plugs were put on the motors, but I would rule out all the other options before I decided that that was the problem. If it does turn out that that is the problem, there are instructions in the manual for making the change.
Hope this helps,
Gerald D
04-25-2001, 07:15 AM
Hi Chris & Bill,
After commisioning my SB, I also found mirror image cutting on all three axes. Apparently there were a batch of SB's with incorrect wiring harnesses and I had to swop two wires for each motor. Suggest you call the factory to see if your SB was one of that batch.
The wire swop is very simple - I would look into this before checking software settings.
Gerald D
04-25-2001, 07:21 AM
A postscript to the above;
If your problem is only a mirror image in the X direction, then you have a very simple solution: Simply swop the X1 and X2 connecters with each other at the control box.
But if you follow my advice and blow something, then call my lawyer ;-)
Gerald D
04-27-2001, 01:39 PM
Chris, have you solved your problem yet? Please let us know what it was.
08-26-2001, 10:16 PM
Our shopbot must be one of those incorrectly wired units - we have mirror image cutting on all three axes. Could someone please tell us which wires to swap to correct this? Thank you
08-26-2001, 11:01 PM
Did you go through all of the suggestions that Bill listed above? He has outlined the most obvious causes of a tool cutting in the opposite direction. Is your ShopBot cutting in the opposite direction only during files or does it do it with keyboard commands also? Where did you set the home (0,0) position on your tool? The most common situation is to set your home position to be near the front left corner of the tool. When set up there all X values will be positive and all Y values will be positive.
If you have gone through Bill's list above and that didn't solve your problem, reversed wires in the motor cables may be the cause. To test for this, get out of ShopBot software, and TURN OFF THE CONTROL BOX so that you can safely unplug a motor cable without causing a voltage surge. Unplug the Y motor cable at the control box and, using the small nylon Wago connector tool, reverse the green and black wires only on the control box end of that cable. DO NOT REVERSE THE WIRES ON THE OTHER END OF THAT CABLE. Plug the cable back in before powering up the box, then issue a keyboard command to move the Y motor. By swapping green and black wires on only one end of the cable the motors should run in reverse. If that solves your problem you can reverse green and black wires ON ONE END ONLY on the other motor cables. Two cautions: (1) it is important not to unplug motor wires while powered up (shutdown ShopBot software and control box before unplugging cables) and (2) the two X motor cables should be reversed at the same time to avoid "racking" your X car out of square if motors move in opposite directions! See the manual or call us for more info on testing X motor direction and reversing wires.
David Nadeau
Technical Support
ShopBot Tools
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