View Full Version : Any problems with 3.6.46 control software?

04-07-2021, 09:37 AM
I am currently using 3.6.14 with a Windows XP machine. (I know, way behind the times!) I have been having problems where my cursor will start jumping around as I try to start typing commands such as MX 36.5. You can type 3, then the cursor will pop back over in front of the 3 and you can never get the 36.5 typed in. I sometimes have to re-boot the computer 3 times to get it to stop. It will also bounce the cursor around when you are selecting a cut file to load. This only happens with the Shopbot control software. The cursor doesn't do this in other software programs. I am hoping 3.6.46 will cure this problem.

Is 3.6.46 stable? It was the final release done for the 3.6X software versions.

04-07-2021, 11:53 AM
I ran on that version for years, with no problems on Windows 7 Pro. I then got an ATC and had to upgrade to 3.8 and have had problems. If I had my choice, I would have stayed with 3.6....

04-07-2021, 01:57 PM
That's good info. I was about to upgrade to an ATC... I think I will hold off on that for a while...

04-07-2021, 02:56 PM
I ran 3.6.46 for a long time on both XP and Win 7. I just purchased a new mini computer with Win 10 and it's running just fine with 3.6.46.


04-07-2021, 03:14 PM
I don't know how 3.8 (needed for the ATC) does on Win 10. I'm running Windows 7 without problems other than occasional brain farts by the control software. The one I can't seem to resolved is after I do a C3 to zero all three axis with the proximity switches, if I move the spindle the slightest amount in an X or Y direction, the interface goes into a very weird slow motion and I have to use task manger to shut it down and restart it. SB gave me something to try and I'm going to try it.

Another thing with the ATC, if you use boring bits (they have a brad point) you will not get accurate depth holes because the hole you drill are only as deep as the cutting part of the bit. The brad point extends down below the cutting part. With some of my boring bits, it can be up to a millimeter or so difference. Ryan gave some things to try and trick the machine by adjusting the ZZero location for my boring bits. I'll see if it works.

05-25-2021, 09:26 AM
I installed 3.6.46 but I still have the problem with my cursor jumping around. Shopbot support told me that they had never heard of this happening. My computer is old but this only happens in the Shopbot software. It never happens with any other software on my computer. I am going to try a new keyboard just for the heck of it.

Has anyone seen their cursor jumping around like this?

05-25-2021, 09:48 AM
I suggest trying a different keyboard.

05-25-2021, 11:31 AM
I installed 3.6.46 but I still have the problem with my cursor jumping around. Shopbot support told me that they had never heard of this happening. My computer is old but this only happens in the Shopbot software. It never happens with any other software on my computer. I am going to try a new keyboard just for the heck of it.

Has anyone seen their cursor jumping around like this?

After using 3.6 for many years, I never saw this problem. If you have a wireless keyboard versus wired, there might be an issue with the wireless connection or the batteries are running low in the keyboard.

05-25-2021, 12:33 PM
Blow out the keyboard or, as suggested, try a new keyboard.

05-25-2021, 01:37 PM
It is a wired keyboard, but it's about 12 years old. I'm borrowing one from work to try out tonight.

05-25-2021, 02:14 PM
Ya, it's going to be a keyboard problem. I suggest buying a wireless keyboard. They are a lot easier to use around the machine.

I'm still on the original version of the SB software (3.6.something) that I got with the machine in 2013. It works flawlessly for me so I'm sticking with it forever.

05-26-2021, 09:33 AM
Well, keyboard was not the problem. Tried a new keyboard last night and the problem still appeared. Everything went well for two hours. I was done for the night and when I closed down the control software, I got an error message that the control software had to shutdown. This was after I had already clicked on closing it. After it closed and I cleared the error message, I opened the software back up and that's when the problem showed up.

Shopbot support wants me to uninstall and install the software a second time, but do a computer shutdown between the two. If that doesn't cure it, I may just have to switch computers.

05-26-2021, 10:29 AM
You probably need a replacement computer. Weird problem though. If you've got another computer you can try, I suggest doing that before throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you do need a new computer, I suggest getting one of those inexpensive "rebuild" eBay computers for about $150. That's what I did. I got one with an SSD and 4 gigs of ram for a whopping $150. I specified W7 too. All's well after a couple of years of using this cheapo.