View Full Version : prs alpha 96x48

Jason McCrocklin
04-09-2021, 01:25 PM
I have a 96x48 prs alpha. We had been considering selling it, then the spindle went out. The spindle is at hsd waiting to get reworked but its about 3500 to fix. I am wondering would it be best to fix spindle then sell machine, or sell machine without spindle? So what would you pay for a 96 x48 alpha prs with atc capability but no spindle?

Kyle Stapleton
04-09-2021, 03:41 PM
New spindles from shopbot are 2500-3500 (HDS) https://www.shopbottools.com/products/accessories/spindles
I would sell it without and let the buyer choose single or three-phase power.

04-09-2021, 07:05 PM
My opinion: An ATC machine isn't an ATC machine without a working spindle. A CNC without a working spindle isn't really a CNC. Not too many people like to buy other people's projects.

I'm personally weary of anything used for sale that says "All it needs is X or Y" I always think to myself "If it was so easy, why didn't you do it"

That's all to say that you'll have a much better time selling it if it's fully working. If you're really strapped for cash you could pull the tool rack off of it and put a single tool spindle on it for cheap and still sell it at a good price.

04-10-2021, 09:38 PM
My opinion: An ATC machine isn't an ATC machine without a working spindle. A CNC without a working spindle isn't really a CNC. Not too many people like to buy other people's projects.

I'm personally weary of anything used for sale that says "All it needs is X or Y" I always think to myself "If it was so easy, why didn't you do it"

That's all to say that you'll have a much better time selling it if it's fully working. If you're really strapped for cash you could pull the tool rack off of it and put a single tool spindle on it for cheap and still sell it at a good price.

I dunno... I just bought a 22" Craftsman self propelled mower today for $40.00. It's in great shape and started on the first pull.

The previous owner had hit a rock or something and seriously bent the blade.

After a trip to Lowes and purchasing a $18.00 blade I have a pretty damn nice mower.

Of course, it was a $40.00 gamble on my part, since I couldn't start it up before buying it. But after looking at it I felt good enough about the "project" to take the chance.

That being said.

Selling it as a project, you will take pretty big hit on the price.

There's a reason people paint their houses, fix the gutters, and get new granite counter tops before selling.

04-27-2021, 02:17 AM
I have a 96x48 prs alpha. We had been considering selling it, then the spindle went out. The spindle is at hsd waiting to get reworked but its about 3500 to fix. I am wondering would it be best to fix spindle then sell machine, or sell machine without spindle? So what would you pay for a 96 x48 alpha prs with atc capability but no spindle?

Is this still available? I can install the hsd, I'd rather install myself. Where are you located? And what are you asking for the machine?

Thanks -Dean Reyburn, Reyburn Pianoworks, Rockford Michigan 616-49-9854 www.reyburnpianoworks.com dean@reyburn.com