View Full Version : HSD Spindle Help?

09-02-2006, 08:22 PM
I just finished assembling my new PRT alpha with an HSD spindle. After a few software glitches, got things up and running, but I have a problem with the HSD spindle that I cannot seem to solve.

I followed the ShopBot instructions for starting the spindle by opening the Keyboard Command (K)in the ShopBot software (latest version), turning on Input #1, and then pressing the Start Button on the control box. Spindle starts, and I can go through the warmup procedure, ulitmately running at 18,000 RPM.

This is where the trouble starts. As soon as I click on the box in the ShopBot Control Console to enter a Move command, the Keyboard Command Control Panel closes and the spindle shuts down.

Pressing the Start button on the Yaskawa VFD does not start the spindle, and pressing the Start Button on the Control Box will not start it unless the Keybard Command is entered, and the Control Panel is open.

I should mention that I can operate the machine with the keyboard, or by entering commands in the Control Console without difficulty. The only thing I cannot do is execute a command or file with the spindle running.

I've tried to explain this as clearly as I can, but it still may seem confusing. I sure would appreciate any suggestions, solutions, recommendations, etc.

I'm just dying to start cutting something!!!!!



09-02-2006, 08:50 PM
I'm running the 4HP spindle. As soon as you close the keyboard control (leaving input 1 on) the spindle shuts down. However, when you go to run a cut file a window pops up and asks you to start the spindle by pressing the Start button. Press Start, then press OK on the window after the spindle is running.

Try it the first time with NO BIT INSTALLED just to see what is happening.

BTW, if input 1 is not on, you will not get the message asking to start the spindle and the Z axis (at least what I've seen) stays in the safe setting. The bot will run around and ghost cut though.

Also, does you spindle make a "chirping" sound while it's running? Mine has since the first time I ran it. I couldn't hear it at the show where it was setup and I've been wondering in my mind if it's normal.


09-02-2006, 09:47 PM
Thanks for the reply , Robert. I'll try that first thing tomorrow without the bit installed as you suggest.

Seems to me that they should put that in the instructions. It isn't exactly intuitive to start the cut file if the spindle isn't running. I would be concerned that you would plunge a stationary spindle into the workpiece if you just started the cut file.

I noticed what one might call a chirping noise when the spindle first starts at low RPM. However, it seems to disappear as it warms up and the RPM is increased. I do notice that it is noisier than the Columbo spindle, although I wouldn't call it "noisy." It's still far quieter than a router.

I really appreciate your help.


09-02-2006, 10:04 PM
OK, I believe my spindle is normal then. Learning the sound of "normal" will take time.

I agree, it wasn't intuitive... I just figured the heck with it and let it rip. It prompted me for the spindle start and from there I went "oh... so that's how you want it?" There may be a more orthodoxed method, if there is I'm sure a more experienced botter will point it out.

I'm still getting use to no way to software start the spindle or change the spindle speeds. No big deal, just things to learn and ponder.

Watch my posts... I'll try to make all the mistakes before you do to help you out. :-)


09-03-2006, 12:25 PM
If you put the command SO,1,1 to turn on the spindle at the start of your part files, you will NOT need to manually toggle the spindle on (using keyboard mode). However, you will still need to press the START button. My code has the following:

JZ, 1.00
J2, 0,0
SO, 1,1
(code goes here
JZ, 1.00
J2, 0,0

09-03-2006, 07:51 PM
That's a good tip, Mike. Eliminates at least one step.

It sure seems somewhat fussy to have to physically press the start button on the Control Box whenever you want to start the spindle. Also, I don't think the spindle RPM can be controlled from the computer either. You have to manually do it on the VFD keypad which is kind of a PITA. There should be a way to control everything from the computer for the sake of consistency if nothing else.

09-04-2006, 03:05 PM
Pushing the START button is a safety issue. As far as I've read, in order to allow the controller to start the spindle, the entire machine would have to be in a 'human proof' enclosure. That works on CNC turning centers and CNC milling centers, but not so well on CNC routers - because of their size.

09-05-2006, 07:00 AM
That's a good point, and I didn't think of it in terms of a safety issue. Still, it would be nice to control the speed from the computer with software commands. I believe that can be done with the Columbo, can it not?

09-05-2006, 07:24 AM
My Colombo 3hp spindle, as ordered through Shopbot, does not have speed control via the Shopbot controller. I have to adjust the speed at the VFD.

According to the manual, it is possible to program VFD switches Mi1 - Mi4 so that you can have sixteen pre-set speeds (please see section 5-58 in the manual). For my use, and because the Shopbot controller does not have an abundance of digital I/O (specifically four unused output lines), it's just as easy for me to walk over to the the VFD and adjust the speeds manually.

Somewhere near the bottom of my 'get around to it someday' list, is the addition of some analog circuitry to control the spindle speed - but that is so far down on the list that I'll probably never get to it in this lifetime.

09-05-2006, 08:54 AM
Here's a basic circuit I drew up to do it. It needs some small relays on both sides to isolate the two controllers from each other and from the circuit itself.
Interface Circuit DXF
ShopBot-VFD Interface Circuit.zip (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/26/ShopBot-VFD_Interface_Circuit-14744.zip) (11.0 k)

09-06-2006, 06:31 AM
I really appreciate everyone's input. Seems like a lot of trouble to go through for just a small amount of added convenience. As a new ShopBotter, I probably should spend my time with more productive endeavors. Once I become more proficient, then perhaps I can work on more esoteric issues!

09-06-2006, 08:13 AM
AMEN! Just keep cutting things out have fun and create funds!
