View Full Version : X carriage wheel binding

01-06-2003, 11:58 AM
We have a new PRT96. I installed the prox sensor kit. Now the wheel on the X carriage that the prox sensor is attached to does not roll. I pulled off the sensor, and it appeared that the spacer washer was too large a diameter, and it was acting as a brake on the bearing. OK, so I ground the spacer to a smaller diameter and reinstalled the sensor. Same thing; the wheel does not roll. OK, so I slightly loosen the nut holding the sensor plate on. If I make it loose enough so the wheel does not bind, the sensor spins on the bolt.

So, what am I doing wrong?


Kevin Fitz-Gerald
Project Manager

Graphic Metals, Inc.
P.O. Box 31
Bryan, OH 43506
Voice 419-636-5757
Fax 419-636-6404

kfitzgerald@graphicmetalsinc.com (mailto:kfitzgerald@graphicmetalsinc.com)

01-06-2003, 02:04 PM

It looks as you may have gotten a bum washer. Because the washers are punched out by the thousands, they will tend to have a sort of concave shape to them. If the open end of this "bowl shaped" washer faces out towards the bearing then they have been known to bind. By flipping the washer over so that it bites into the X-car instead of the bearing, usually takes care of the problem. Give this a try, and if you are still not satisfied we can drop you a couple in the mail.


01-09-2003, 07:26 PM

I had the same problem on my ShopBot and fixed it by adding a second washer (smaller out side) behind the one Shopbot provided. But what I thought the problem was, the screw that held the senser was hiting the bearing.