View Full Version : New Shopbot Owner DFW Area

02-04-2022, 01:07 PM
Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to introduce myself. I should be getting my Shopbot in the next couple of weeks.

I am purchasing a Desktop Max, 24X36. I am a custom holster builder and will be using my CNC for pistol stippling and engraving pistol slides.

I am located in Waxahachie Texas, 30 minutes south of Dallas. If you live close drop me a line.

02-04-2022, 03:31 PM
I’m in Garland but find myself in Waxahachie quite often. I do quite a bit of work for Scott Green at the Greenery.
Feel free to give me a buzz anytime you have a question.

The type of projects I do for the greenery:




02-04-2022, 09:20 PM
Perhaps post a few pictures of what you plan to do with the Bot on your custom holsters.

01-25-2025, 10:54 PM
Tim and Scott, I'm out here in Terrell with 3 different Shopbot's in my woodshop, do a lot of 2.5D carving, V-carving and some indexer work, also use the bot's for reproducing of hole placement and grooved in several of the custom items I make.
If you ever out this way always open for a visit to the shop, I work mostly remote for my day job admin of a LIS system for healthcare provider.