View Full Version : X-axis steppers moving the gantry in opposite directions

03-23-2022, 01:17 PM
I moved from California to NC and have been setting up my PRS Standard at my new shop. After getting everything set up I did some 1" moves to make sure everything was hooked up correctly, but heard clutch noises when I moved the X-axis. I powered down and unplugged the X1 axis...movement was smooth and in the correct direction. When I unplugged X1 and plugged in X2 the machine ran smoothly, but opposite to the commanded direction.

I've confirmed the plugs at each end are correctly oriented, so I'm left wondering what's going on. The Y- and Z-axes move correctly and smoothly, so it doesn't seem like swapping leads will resolve the issue.

Any hints or suggestions? Thanks!

03-23-2022, 07:20 PM
Unplug one of them from the board. Use an ohm meter to determine two pair of coils. reverse either of the pair that are on one coil and it will run the other way.

03-24-2022, 05:15 AM
Thanks Kenneth, I actually thought of that as I know it will work. What makes me hesitate is that I ran my PRS in my old shop for 13 years with nary a hint of an issue. Then I dismantled the controller, marked the stepper leads and carefully packed it all up to move here. Everything is labeled. It all went back together just the way it came apart, but now one stepper runs backwards. It's just a bit of a head-scratcher. :confused:

03-24-2022, 07:35 AM
One of the connectors or motors had to have been changed somewhere. Most other software controllers can change motor direction in the settings, but I'm not aware of that in SB.

03-24-2022, 07:59 AM
Thanks again. I'm headed to the shop now and will triple check everything before doing anything rash.

03-24-2022, 10:38 AM
As usual, the culprit was human error. Specifically, mine. I swapped the Z and X2 leads between the steppers. Swapped them back and everything is fine. D'oh!