View Full Version : Probe program not working

04-03-2004, 10:19 PM
ok here is the problem im using sb *dos* and signlab 5 as my editor program and im useing the programs s_dxf3d.sbp and s_prbdxf.sbp. what i am trying to do is trace the outside edge of all the letters in the abc's that have curves in them to output in a dxf file so i can fine tune them and in turn lay them out on a 4x8 sheet of plywood. but the problem is after the program completes the trace and i open the dxf file there is nothing there just the name of the part no points no lines nothing, now when i use the s_prbsbp.sbp program it will trace and all ask for the output file name but after it traces and i run all i get is a stright line when it should be an arc.

any ideas to what i am doing wrong or why it isnt outputing the file like it should?

04-04-2004, 09:47 AM
You don't mention actually using the Shopbot probe for the above functions. Are you using a probe, and if so have you checked your settings in the file editor (FE command) to be sure the parameters are what you'd like?

04-04-2004, 09:54 AM
In re-reading this ,I think the file that works best for edge tracing into a polyline is the S PBPOLY.SBP file, as it gives you an output of polylines instead of points, and then you can bring the output results into an editing program for tweaking... But again it is contingent on using the probe, and having your settings defined to give you optimum results.

04-05-2004, 12:19 AM
yes im using the probe to do and the probe dose it actualy movements and rutean such as doing its cyrcle motions to fint the edge and it dose make the file but it dose not put in the point in the file *program* there is nothing as far as optimizing the probe when i run the S programs it asks if i want to use defult settings or no i put no and then it asks starting x point, y point, resolotions, passes, all that fun stuff then i set the probe in the starting spot and it begins to work but the output file ends up with nothing in it.

as far as using the s_prbpoly.sbp program i dont have that program in reponce to my last thread posted i only recived the s_dxf3d.sbp, s_prbsbp.sbp, and the s_prbdxf.sbp programs the person also didnt have the s_prbpoly.sbp program so if anyone happens to have it could you if you didnt mind sending it on down to me please?

04-05-2004, 01:16 AM
Paul, you were looking for a file called s_prbpoly.sbp. There is no such file - but there is a file called s_pbpoly.sbp (one character less). There are also notes (.txt) files relating to the probe files. All these files are in the Sbparts folder that is next to (not under) the SB200 folder after you have done an "install" of the SB software on your PC.

04-05-2004, 05:05 AM
ok an update i reinstalled the program on this pc and the files were still not there so i downloaded the shopbot program off the internet and installed it and then i got the programs i been missing so come the moring ill be running to the shop to see if the s_pbpoly.sbp works for me and if it dose ill let you all know otherwise ill be getting on the horn with techsupport to see if they can step me through it get it working.

thank you all for the help its highly appreciated.

04-05-2004, 08:02 AM
Hey Paul,

You need to be using version 228 or later of the DOS software for the edgefinding routines to work correctly. If they weren't included in the version you've been using then it's probably older than that.

If so then you'll need to install the new version of the ShopBot software that you just downloaded...just copying the edge-finding files over won't work. You can find more info on using the edge-finding routines in the Bill's Corner section of the ShopBot web site.


04-06-2004, 12:08 AM
hey all i said i would post what the outcome and solution was to this problem,,,

1st. as bill stated i needed version 2.28 or better well i was running 2.2 so i updated to 2.38 the newest i can go with my control box that i have right now. so now i have the s_*.sbp programs and they are working now.

2nd thing is signlab 5 outdates the programing language of the output file so that is useless to me for this type of work and i bought sb part wizard and i know for a fact that it reconizes the out put file which a big thanks gose out to Grant for working with me and ensureing me that it will via email and phone conversation.

also many thanks to you all that posted and helped me on this.


05-16-2004, 05:37 PM
I am thinking of getting a probe for my shopbot, I don't know much about it. How much 3d detail can I expect to get and how does it actually work?

05-16-2004, 06:48 PM
Your probe will get as close as you want. It comes with two probes, an eith inch probe and a sixteenth inch probe. These emualate the tool you will use to cut the part with. You can set up the tolerances to .004 which is pretty tight.
While I was doing training at ShopBot, Sallye probed a sesame seed Bagel, and then cut it. You could see the sesame seeds quite clearly.


05-16-2004, 09:10 PM
Dale thanks again. Is it worth the purchase? Is it easy to use? All I do is use the bot to cut flat sheet stock for cabinets.

Thanks Gary

Brady Watson
05-16-2004, 10:00 PM
I frequently use the probe to do 2D profile probing. It works very well. From what I understand SB has a new style probe out now and it is even better than the one I have for longevity...although I haven't broken mine yet.

If you remember anything from this thread about the probe...remember this: NEVER USE THE Z-ZERO ROUTINE WITH THE PROBE!!! It doesn't work and you will mash it under the force of the Z-axis. It *may* work if it is unplugged...but I wouldn't do it period.

I haven't tried it in 3D yet since I have a Roland 3D scanner.


05-17-2004, 01:34 AM
as far as useing the probe for 2D profiles it works great i cant talk about useing it in 3D yet since i just got a program in that will work with 3d work but my recomendasions go out to the probe.

05-17-2004, 08:17 AM
Thanks for the info Brady and Paul I think I will make the purchase.


05-17-2004, 08:19 AM
It is not a magical tool. The ease of use is great, But it takes time to probe a part, as it has to touch the surface or edge every fraction of an inch so it can be time consuming depending on the size of the part being probed.

05-17-2004, 09:01 PM
Dale is it worth the cost and time.

05-17-2004, 09:14 PM
The best part of the probe, is it does not need anyone to watch so with this being said you can leave it running all night if you wish.

Yes it is worth it if you have a need.

Hello, it is a tool... You can figure any numbers of way to rationalize a tool purchase. LOL


05-17-2004, 09:19 PM
Dale thanks for the info