View Full Version : #4 Input woes, crashing during a run.....

08-01-2007, 10:49 PM
Folks -

HALP! We were cutting some parts out of MDF when at line XXX in the file, the Z axis pulled up out of the material and the machine hung up, with the #4 input light flashing.

Long story short, we restarted, and had the file crash out in approximately the same location 2 more times. We called SB for troubleshooting, and while we were awaiting a C/B we shut everything down, rebooted and loaded a new copy of the file - no problem - we finished that part and went onto the next.

The problem is back, and worse. We're getting the #4 input light, and when I opened up the control box and re-ran the file we are getting a #3 on the internal LED display. Ryan at SB called back and said that #3 was an issue with "Z" - I've checked the bearings and range of motion travel in XYZ and cannot detect any slop or binding at all. All of the stepper motors are about the same temperature as well. The last time it crashed we got a funny sound just before it raised up on "Z".

I was thinking maybe our emergency stop switch was shorted. I have a spare, so I simply disconnected the old lead and plugged in the new e stop switch - same problem.

We've rebooted several times, and get the "looking for tool" message flashing twice, then we get the yellow box of death. The #4 input light is still flashing.

This machine is less than 2 years old, a PRT alpha with a spindle.

Sure could use some help here.... because, of course, we are up against a customer's deadline.


John & Rose
707 263 5874

Brady Watson
08-02-2007, 12:06 AM
Input 3 indicates that you limit switches are triggering. Input 4 should always be lit when the tool is in motion. If it is flashing, it indicates a communication problem with the controller. Check all cables and goto the control panel on your computer to find out what Com port the Bot is assigned to. Then enter that port in the yellow box.

Many times, this sort of thing happens as a result of static electricity build up. You should have a properly grounded dust collection system. Static electricity generated from the DC has been known to FRY chips on older PRT tools. It is not uncommon for it to cause a COM break on any tool. Stray static electricity is also attracted to the limit switch wires, since they act like long antennea, wicking up the static and sending the spike to the control box...and in turn, making the input #3 light up/flicker.

Completely shut down the control box, computer & restart. Try reconnecting via the port shown in the control panel. You should have a bare copper wire going through your entire DC system and grounded at the DC to prevent more of these problems.


08-02-2007, 01:02 AM
Brady -

I'll take your adv and check the cables.... But I have the entire system grounded 6 ways from Sunday

I have some bkgnd in radio engineering and have seen all manner of spooky troubles caused by static and poor grounds. Our system has a #12 copper grounding wire that runs unbroken from the control box through connecting via grounding lugs to the bot table, bot, gantry, z gantry and spindle with the other end to a pair of ground rods.

I'll check the com port, but why on earth would that change?

We shut down the system, had crow for supper, rebooted and still, the flashing #4...

Hoping SB will have a quick solution - this very much puts us behind schedule for an important (they're all important) client....

Our DC runs on a separate circuit and is similarly grounded in its' own right.

Thanks for your remarks - We're open to all ideas here...

John and Rose

Brady Watson
08-02-2007, 02:39 AM
Hey John,
For the heck of it, plug the control box USB into another port...then check the control panel to see what port it's on & see if it will connect.


08-02-2007, 11:00 PM
With the flashing input 4 and the not able to find machine, have you checked to see if the relays are stuck? I have an alpha purchased just over a year ago and I had to get new relays as they would stick when they heated up. That never caused a file to crash while running though, but it does cause the blinking input 4 light.

11-22-2007, 06:28 PM
can not get the # 4 e stop to reset. I get a connection and can turn the spindle on and off .I just did a upgrade to 7.2 motors Need help

Brady Watson
11-22-2007, 07:06 PM
Make sure your Stop Switch type is correct in the VN settings. Newer E-stops are normally closed. Older ones, normally open. Check your input switch definitions as well while you're at it.


11-22-2007, 07:59 PM
Done that ,set at nc reloaded software with ini files checked usb cable checked all connections i think the next step is to shoot it and let it die in peace...... I should have known better than to fix something thats not broke

11-22-2007, 07:59 PM
I recently got the "looking for tool" from the flashing #4. so, the connection to the controller was there.

Did you do a recent SB Software upgrade? there is a firmware upgrade that fixed my flashing #4. Someone in Tech just recently walked me through that and got it going.

Anyone know what is the best way to ground the vacuum and the SB?

Brady Watson
11-22-2007, 09:53 PM
"there is a firmware upgrade that fixed my flashing #4" - Yes, yes, yes. DEFINATELY upgrade the firmware ANY time you upgrade SB3.

"Anyone know what is the best way to ground the vacuum and the SB?" - Ground it to your electrical main or your plumbing system. Make sure all grounds go to the same spot. Mine is grounded to the plumbing system since day 1 and I have never had a problem.


11-22-2007, 10:55 PM
where do i find the firmware upgrade

Brady Watson
11-23-2007, 06:10 AM
The UI command.
