View Full Version : Need help on desktop linear rail block lubrication

Marc F. Lupien
04-02-2023, 09:02 PM
Hi, I have an 11 years old Desktop 2418 with linear rails and I am concerned about proper linear block lubrication.

I try to keep the rails free of debris as much as possible but never lubricated them. They seem to be equipped with some kind of round lubrication fitting - they are not the usual zirks.

I'd like to know:
1. how these type of fittings are called ?
2. what type of grease gun adapter I need for those ?
3. what type of grease I should use ?

Thanks in advance.
P.s. I tried to do a search on the forum for that topic but the result mostly shows conversation about rack and pinion or cutting bit lubrication.

04-03-2023, 04:38 PM
Here ya go Marc;


10 yrs here with no problems.

https://www.google.com/search?q=shopbot+desktop+rail+lube+site:www.talksh opbot.com&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGoNznx47-AhXYmIkEHT-RBI8QrQIoA3oECGUQBA&biw=1408&bih=650&dpr=1.36

Kyle Stapleton
04-04-2023, 09:04 AM
The old desktops are easy to get at the rail and blocks, just remove the rails and wipe them clean. As for the blocks you can look them over when they are off and add lub if needed.
That said if they are not making any noise they are fine.

Marc F. Lupien
04-04-2023, 10:00 PM
Thank you all for your answers. They are not noisy at all but after 10+ years I figured out it might be time to take some interest in them ;-)

I don't want to dismantle my machine for that but I'll do a little cleanup and light lubrication. Thanks again.