View Full Version : Cutting/xy move speed changing during cuts

06-27-2008, 12:42 PM
I have the manual speed settings for the X and Y move speeds set to 4 inches per second, and the jog is set to the same.

Moving manually everything is fine. For some reason when i start cutting a file, the xy speed moves itself down to .80 inches per second, and remains that speed for the duration of the cut. When the file is over, the speed goes back to what i had it set at.

I dont think this is actually a glitch, but is there a way i can adjust the "during cut" speed of my machine. I thought thats what the manual settings were actually for, but its stumping me by changing on me.

also, im using partwizard to create my cut files if that makes any difference.



06-27-2008, 01:00 PM
You probably have the speed for that particular bit set at .80 inches. Check your tool library to verify this...

06-27-2008, 01:49 PM

You were right. I didnt realize that the setting in part wizard would automatically override the SB settings without me allowing it to do that.

Thanks for the advice.

06-27-2008, 03:11 PM
You can always edit the SBP file, and then do a search for "MS,".

I always insert one MS command at the top of the file, right after the SO,1,1 command (to turn on the spindle), then, depending on the kinds of cuts that I'm making, I often insert other MS commands throughout the file to tweak the cutting speed for the type of cut that is going on in that part of the file (slow for small curves, fast for long straight segments).