View Full Version : Benchtop Problem With Y

10-19-2008, 12:19 PM
I have one of the original benchtops. My Y axis (the table) motor started making a grinding sound and not moving. I removed the table and when not hooked up the gear turns by hand ok.
When I tell it to jog 10-20 it moves back and forth. Any help would be GREAT.

Brady Watson
10-19-2008, 01:04 PM
Sounds like you have a faulty motor driver. Try turning off control box power, unplug Y motor cable and plug it into the Accessory (A) channel. Then type in VI and make channel 5 the Y axis. You may have to enable 5 axes in the VD fill in sheet.


10-19-2008, 03:08 PM
Thanks for the help however when it comes to the computer part I havent a clue. Hopefully I can have Ken Zey come over and help me. I will give him your tip and see what happens