View Full Version : Sparks flying

06-28-2006, 08:15 PM
Some bloke came into my shop the other day with a piece of vinyl flooring which he was supplying to a local bus manufacturer, asking if I could cut various shapes for placement onto the bus floors -ie disabled sign, exit, entry, etc. The idea was to cut out, remove the shape and cut an insert to fit.
Easy peasy I thought. I Put his sample on the bot, made a toolpath to cut a disabled negative and positive, and fired up the router.
As soon as the bit touched the surface, sparks started to fly. The bit ( an expensive 10mm spiral downcut) moved about 3 inches before I could hit the stop button.

I took out the bit, and saw there was a groove in it about 2mm from the tip, about 1mm deep. I looked closer at the flooring, and noticed it contained tiny specs of glittery substance I had not seen before. I assume this is carbide or something superhard to prevent wear and tear on the floor.

This is potentially a big ongoing order. Can anyone think of any way round this, or is it something I have to turn away?


06-29-2006, 06:50 AM
Best shot at pulling it off is probably titanium end mills.

06-29-2006, 10:15 AM
Floor coverings contain all sorts of natural minerals and or man made composites I'd be careful. Kip

06-29-2006, 10:55 AM
Take the job and then sub it out to another shop running a water jet? Been known to do that here and have a shop I use about 15 minutes away. He doesn't touch router work and I don't want a water jet!

06-29-2006, 11:36 PM
I think you are right. Subbing it out is the best policy in this case. Always the last thing I think of.
