View Full Version : Setting Up 2 Spindles

07-21-2008, 08:14 PM
Hello all new user here,
I have a new PRS alpha 8’ x 5’ table with 2 z axis (1 cutter 1 drill system holes) trying to set up for cabinet parts.
Using shopbot control version 3.5.10
It’s a bit difficult to explain, but here goes.
I’m having trouble setting up the off set distance between the two z’s ( Z and A axis)
Under tools / shopbot set up multiple spindles, when I run “make this easy for me’
I have the Z- zero plate with a 5/8” drilled through and a ¼” drill rods in each spindle, each time the drill rod in the Z spindle centers its self in the 5/8” hole and pulls up the z height , it moves the spindle up too high, the input # 4 trips and I have to reset.

Also I can not seem to find the shopbot.ini file in the shopbot 3 folder, I’m not sure if this would help to delete it and start over. Maybe the ini file is in a different place or different icon?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Gary Campbell
07-21-2008, 09:11 PM
What tools do you have mounted on your A axis? Drill,spindle,both?

Have you set an approximate Z height?
Are you using the "S_Set2SpindleOffsets.sbp file to set the offset?

Input #4 should be the emergency stop switch. If your Z is going too high, (faulting) you should get a driver error, not input 4 trigger.

Default location for Shopbot.ini: C:\Program Files\Shopbot\Shopbot3
You may need to delete SB.ini, open SB3, select machine type, close SB3 before Shopbot.ini will show up after deletion.

07-22-2008, 01:35 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.
2 Spindles on the A axis (5HP colombo and HSD 2.2 HP)

6" approximate Z height.
The way I was trying the offset was from the tool menu, shopbot set-up, following the prompts.

Yes, you're correct, input #4 is the emergency stop/driver as the Z is going to high (faulting), however, this only seems to happen on the main Z axis (A axis is okay).

07-22-2008, 10:42 AM
Vinny- what is probably happening is the Z axis that is being zeroed is pulling up into the hard stop for that axis. You have mounted your spindle too far down the Z axis so the travel is inadequate.

Try remounting your spindle on the axis that is faulting. When it is in the fault condition put some tape on the Z axis so you can see where the upper limit is. Take the spindle off, and drive the Z axis down to its lower limit ,or the Z carriage strikes the table. Mark that position again. Now remount the spindle so it uses all the available travel. It should not only stop faulting, but you will get the maximum possible Z travel for your spindle.

Hope that is of use-