View Full Version : Upgrading to new computer

08-07-2007, 07:48 PM
I recently purchase an acer notebook pc with windows vista on it.
I tried to install my shopbot disk and license disk but did not work. Would like help on installing this on my new computer. slow learner?

08-07-2007, 09:09 PM
What failed? error message?

What license disk? What software, specifically, are you installing? ShopBot Control software doesn't have a license key. PartWizard?


08-08-2007, 10:17 PM
shopbot version 211
I tried to copy disket
it seems to be working but when finishes the message I get is no files copied
but I also get the screen that says your "shopbot installed sucessfully and Icon is on your desk top" but it is not there. I tried to run from disket but did not see shopbot.exe file.

The license disk was the Vector Disk it's been so long that I tried to install my shopbot that I thought it was a license for the shopbot.
thanks any help will be appreciated

Brady Watson
08-09-2007, 01:52 AM
I'm going to guess that your machine is a PR. You can download the latest version v2.38 for the PR machine via ShopBot's Support page by clicking on this link. (http://www.shopbottools.com/files/sb238sx.exe) Just save it to your hard drive and you can copy it onto a diskette to load on your DOS machine.

If you have a PRT, you can go to the ShopBot Support Page (http://www.shopbottools.com/support.htm) and download either the 2.39 version or the Windows based version 3.


08-09-2007, 06:58 AM
yep, sounds like a corrupt disk. Download should fix it.

08-09-2007, 09:39 PM
thanks I will try this

08-10-2007, 10:13 PM
I down loaded the 2.39 version and it is doing the exact same thing????
There is a DOS window that pops up and says zero files copied.
but I also get the sucessful install box that says Icon will be installed on desk top . No Icon???.
I don't see the file sb.exe anywhere???

any ideas ( I am draging files from A:disket to C: it shows sb200 & sbparts when i click on sb200 in explore, the files under this are:Intall, ,sb238, sbdisk (folder). when I click install the DOS box appears(install to C:/sb200 y or n) I clik y it says its installing sb.exe same for parts file) then it jumps to winzip self extractor. I un zip (94 files unziped)DOS window appears "bad command or name
zero files copied then windows explore screen pops up.