View Full Version : Older Pr Troubles
03-23-2006, 08:41 PM
I recently purchase a 1996 version PR. After I set it up everything it was working fine. I have used the machine to make numerous small signs over the past six months. The other day I loaded a file from VCarve and the machine started to make weird sounds and erratic movements.
Most of the problems seem to be in the z axis. After checking the motors, driver boards, wiring, grounding, reinstalling software, reloading control software and making sure nothing was bent or binding. Here is what I have found. All the axis directions are reversed and the machine is also reversed in the move and jog commands. Yes up is down and back is forward etc.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
03-24-2006, 01:03 AM
"1. was working fine. I have used the machine to make numerous small signs over the past six months.
2. The other day I loaded a file from VCarve and the machine started to make weird sounds and erratic movements. Most of the problems seem to be in the z axis.
3. After checking the motors, driver boards, wiring, grounding, reinstalling software, reloading control software and making sure nothing was bent or binding.
4. Here is what I have found. All the axis directions are reversed and the machine is also reversed in the move and jog commands. Yes up is down and back is forward etc."
Is the reverse direction also applicable to the stuff in step 1? ie. ist it only the VCarve stuff that runs backwards?
Does the system run smoothly if you use -1 (minus one) scale factors on all the axes?
Do you say that the VCarve in step 2. caused the reversals, or was it the checking in step 3.?
Did you disconnect wires in step 3?
03-24-2006, 08:37 AM
Hello Gerald,
Been investigating some more. I don't think VCarve caused it, and yes it does it with any file loaded now even the ZZero routine runs in reverse. The x and y axis are moving in the correct directions only the Z axis is reversed. When I use the keyboard keys to move the unit jog and move are differently switched on all axis.
I switched motors back and forth also used different driver boards, disconnected wires etc. The problem was the same so I put everything back the way it was. It is seems to be software or firmware based as the machine moves fine in all directions under manual control though in reverse.
Is there any way to wipe the firmware and start from scratch.
You might best call ShopBot, me thinks.
03-24-2006, 10:51 AM
Most of the stepper drivers that I've used have a step and a direction connection. The step signal is pulsed one time for each step that the motor is commanded to move. The direction signal is high (5-VDC) for one direction and low (0-VDC) for the other. However, there are some drivers that use only step signals. Those drivers accept step pulses on one line to move the motor CW. They accept step pulses on another line to move the motor CWW.
Since I'm not at all familiar with your machine, is it possible that any wire connections were reversed or jumpers placed incorrectly?
03-24-2006, 11:13 AM
I had something somewhat similar happen a few weeks ago with my 6 yr old PR. It made weird sounds and erratic movements and jerked terribly in x and y and the screen showed it going quickly to locations I had not intended to send it. The problem was that I had inadvertently hit a wrong key and incresed the move speeds to something like 10 times what my SB is capable of. I reset the speeds and everything has worked fine since.
It had been working fine, I got distracted by a phone call while making key strokes, and when I finished the call the SB all the sudden had the problem.
I don't know whether my bad setting affected the directions of movement, but your problem otherwise reminds me a lot of mine.
I'd check all move/jog settings and look for other possible incorrect settings just to be sure.
03-24-2006, 12:08 PM
Mark, My call is in to Tech Support.
Mike, Nothing was changed or touched machine started doing this after loading new cut file.
Don, I have a manual, but do not know what file to examine, nor do I know the correct settings to make changes.
Would it be possible for someone to post or email me this process and info.
Thanks for all the help,
03-24-2006, 12:17 PM
A question to those that might have tried it...what does a negative unit value do?
03-24-2006, 01:33 PM
I would like to thank all who responded for their help.
Frank, from shopbot suggested deleting the config file and running Load23.exe to reset the control box.
5 min later all is well, back up and running.
Just finished cutting a sign everything went fine.
Once I finish relocating to Florida, due to this board and Shopbot tech support. I will not hesitate in purchasing a new PRTalpha.
I still do not have any idea what the proper speed settings are, as there is no doubt that my machine is cutting much faster then before.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thomas, "proper" speed settings depend on what materials you are cutting/routing. Obviously, you would want to cut aluminum slower that say, HDU. If you're not sure, do a test cut or two (or three or four), on scrap material until you find the right combination of move speed and bit rpm's.
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