View Full Version : PRS moving a 100 miles an hour

06-15-2007, 01:33 AM
No matter what I set the feedrate to, the machine is still moving at what I would estimate to be about 1000ipm. I've even tried it with a feed rate of 1ipm.

Here's the odd part....it's only when cutting circles that are 1/2" diameter. And this is used a lot in the design I need to use. Smaller diameter circles respond correctly to different feedrates.

Since all of the circles are inside profile toolpaths, I usually group all the vectors together and just create one toolpath. I still have the same problem if I ungroup the 1/2" circles and give them their own tool path.

06-15-2007, 11:59 AM
You seem to be having more than your share of start-up problems with your new machine. When everything seems to be going wrong for me, I step back and figure out a systematic method to verify that everything is setup properly. Here's a list of steps that I would perform:

1. Re-install version 3.5.3 software

2. Re-install control box firmware (UI command) to verify that version 3.5.3 software is working with the control box properly.

3. Copy the C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Shopbot.ini file to C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Shopbot_ini.bak and then delete the original C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Shopbot.ini file. Then when starting SB3 the next time, select the proper settings file for your machine c:\Program Files\Shopbot\Shopbot 3\Settings\Shopbot_PRS48x48alpha.sbd

4. I would check all of the V commands, especially VR and VU to adjust ramping and small circle cutting.

5. I would adjust the distance between the proximity sensors and the 'bolt' (I believe that you said that the proximity sensors were overly sensitive).

6. I would run lots of tests in MDF or foam to calibrate the machine - i.e. straight cuts, diagonal cuts, arcs, circles, rectangles, pockets, etc.

7. After everything is calibrated, speeds verified, distances checked, I would start limited production - always keeping a notebook handy to write down any problems so that future dianostics could be handled in a systematic manner.

It would be nice if a newer model machine handled exactly like an older model machine - with enhancements, of course, but every tool seems to have its own personality. Back when I designed, built and installed process control computers for Kodak S printers, I found that the software for each printer had to be tweaked a little to make that indiviual printer work properly. I suspect that settings for each CNC machine have to be tweaked a little to compensate for minor variations in V-roller tightness, motor to rack tightness, etc. Minor adjustments in software settings go a long ways towards making a machine run smoothly (and properly).

06-16-2007, 02:39 AM
Tech support helped me fix it this morning. The problem was that I was setting up my tool list in inches per minute because that's what I was used to with the PRT. The PRS wanted it in inches per second. The smaller circles appeared to be cutting OK only becuase the PRS appearently has a ramp up feature now and the did give it enough time to get up to speed.

This has been rough, but everything is pretty much resolved now. The proximity switches seem a little flaky still, but I can live without those.