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02-14-2004, 02:23 AM
I have problem with sbp file created with VM 4
I have Shopbot 3 instaled,XP home OS
Error message:
application-defined or object defined error (-2147217394)line -5 C/..../proba01.spb
Developement/debug Error-line 0
Can someone help with some advice
02-14-2004, 05:28 AM
Maybe your problem is the red part?
I have problem with sbp file created with VM 4
I have Shopbot 3 instaled,XP home OS
Error message:
application-defined or object defined error (-2147217394)line -5 C/..../proba01.spb
Developement/debug Error-line 0
Maybe your proba01 file has the wrong name? It must be sbp (ShopBot part), not Shop part Bot.
Mike Windsor
02-14-2004, 10:33 AM
When you create a post processor file in the drop down box in visual mill type in the " .sbp " extension after the file name you want to save . ---you usually only have to do this the first time . after that the .sbp usually becomes the default ( unless you generate a different type of file i.e. G code )in between your .sbp files. ----The other thing to watch for is on the fourth and fifth lines of the shopbot file. one line will be " C5 " and another will be " & tool = " ----just delete these lines . or put a ' in front of them and save it . --- also watch out for the speed settings in VM they are in ipm and the shopbot is in ips ---just multiply your desired shopbot speed times 60 in visual mill
02-14-2004, 11:46 AM
The Pro's have arrived (woken up) !
Thanks Mike, my little contribution was the only thing that I could think of to try and help Zoran in Croatia during the time zone when you guys are still asleep. I have zero knowledge of VM. Over to you!
02-16-2004, 10:20 PM
Thanks Gerald and Mike
now I see I can find some help here
I am an architect with poor knowledge in
CAM,tried to machine some 3d parts with my
woodmaker who is using PRT 96 only for engraving.
We recently purhased VM4 and now I am fighting
with something new in my life.
02-17-2004, 12:39 AM
Zoran, I want to come and visit your country next year, so I need to make some friends there.
02-28-2004, 03:41 PM
Hi Gerald
You are welcome
just let me know which part of Croatia you plan
to visit
03-13-2004, 02:18 PM
I didnt manage to make it work
Every time I get error message,didnt find
lines when I edit file,like mike windsor suggested
so I attach some example file for someone to
Thanks in advance
Mike Windsor
03-13-2004, 11:43 PM
Hi Zoran . I couldn't find your attatchment , but here is an example of the first few lines of what the post from visual mill will look like :
'MOP NAME: 2 1/2 Axis Profiling
&Tool = 1
Now note where I have inserted the ' coment characters on the fifth and sixth lines . ---altenatively I could just delete these lines but I'm lazy .
'MOP NAME: 2 1/2 Axis Profiling
'&Tool = 1
Hope this helps .
03-14-2004, 12:26 AM
Thanks Mike
but I dont find first lines in
edit as yours
Attaches is file from one simle test file
I am afraid that I miss something in general
test ( (17.8 k)
03-14-2004, 04:52 AM
It took me a long time to discover that the little word "post" on this forum is an abbreviation of "post-processor program". Maybe Zoran has not installed the ShopBot post processor program for his VisualMill?
Mike Windsor
03-14-2004, 12:01 PM
HI Zoran : If you look at your move speeds in your file the're pretty high . MS,100 ,100 and MS 1000,1000 are telling the machine to go 100 and 1000 inches per second ! the machine can't move that fast .--In visual mill check that the units are set to inches ( in the preferences drop down in visual mill ) next click on the speeds and feeds drop down and set the cut feed to about 60 or 90 ( depending on what you're cutting ) the transfer can be set to about 180 . ---remember that in visual mill the speeds are inches per minute . ---shopbot is inches per second --just multiply or divide times 60 .
Mike Windsor
03-14-2004, 12:14 PM
The other thing I noticed about your file were some of the moves i.e.
The first line is telling the machine to move the Z axis to 19 inches --higher than the machine can go . ---looks like you might be working in millimeteres . try converting the units of the part in your cad file to inches . make sure visual mill is set to inches then post process the file . ----if you want to work in millimeters search the forum on how to do so . ---I've always worked in inches and can't help you with that .
ron brown
03-14-2004, 01:38 PM
If you are running in millimeters, your speeds should be a lot lower. Cutting speeds in the 50mm/sec and "jog" at 75mm/second will be about right.
03-14-2004, 02:26 PM
Zoran's file is strange in that it contains a lot of JZ commands, but there are no jogs in the z-direction. All the vertical up moves are done with M3 move commands.
The jog speeds in the x and y directions are never set by the program.
The JZ speed is often set to 19.00, which is realistic for mm/second, the MS speed of 15 could also realistically be mm/second, but the MS speed of 1000 must be mm/minute. Strange that there is this mix of units.
Basically, Zoran must look at each line in his file and see if it looks right, like we have done. Remembering that his machine works in per second speeds.
03-14-2004, 04:49 PM
Thanks to all
I will try to control the units setings
and post processor settings.
My rhino files are always in mm,and VM also
I will put some simple thing to test
in few days(and pass through manual once more)
and send some results
Thanks again
04-23-2004, 11:15 PM
no advance (tried in inch and mm)
I even tried sbp logo file in editor and always
got message
Runtime error
Node was not found
I know thats something about units in general settings but cannot help myself
here some system info:
OS Name
Hi Zoran,
I took a look at this too. I assume the file is in metric and that is working ok. But speeds are way out of range, and I'm not sure why you are changing them back and forth every few moves??
As indicated above, I think we need to take a look at how the post is working and what it's doing. But that said, I'm not having any trouble reading the file and previewing and running it after I have changed the speeds. I'm trying to figure out from your posting here whether your problem is with the file, or with opening it in the previewer or running it. If you aren't able to open the logo file ... then we must having something wrong with the install. Are you loading the most recent version 3.1.11 or 3.1.14?? Please make sure you send this to ( as well. We should be able to get it straightened out ...
04-24-2004, 12:25 PM
Hi Ted,
I have sb3_1_11 instaled,
I have no problem running PRT from mahine(Win 98 SE)but recently instaled VM4.0 on my laptop and tried some simple 3axes parts to test on sb3 designed in Rhino
I have tried to make everything in inches and then in mm (from Rhino to VM4 and sb3 prewiew mode but always got
error message.
The simple truth is that I have only my weekends to try..
I will send some post file made from VM4 to support to see if you can figure what I am doing wrong
Thanks Zoran
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