View Full Version : Upgraded control software, now can't connect

12-04-2008, 06:04 PM
Right in the middle of building a huge spaceship...
Noticed very rough cuts on our smaller PRT Alpha on long arcs, tried new bits, new collet, speeds, resolution, re-drawing the file etc. all to no avail, same file cuts fine on our big Alpha.
Thought I'd upgrade the control software, now I'm unable to connect on any ports.
I've got bunch of carpenters that will be expecting parts soon, any suggestions?

12-04-2008, 09:21 PM

After an update of the control software, you MUST update the control box firmware as well. It's in the Utilities menu.

12-04-2008, 11:02 PM
Thanks Scott, wasn't allowing me to upload the firmware either, spent some time on the phone with Frank at SB.
I ended up getting lucky after plugging into several different USB ports, rebooting and starting all over.
Everything works now except...
we found the cause of the very poor arc resolution, one of the X-rail gears was virtually stripped.
I've already emailed SB about flying up some replacements.
How come this stuff only happens when you're insanely busy?

12-05-2008, 08:57 AM
All technology products are equipped with a critical need detector. When triggered, it randomly selects a failure mode.