View Full Version : PC Router not holding speed anymore...

07-17-2007, 09:18 PM
So today a funny thing happened, our Porter-Cable Router suddenly won't hold it's speed anymore. Almost like it's loosing power and regaining semi-randomly. I've checked the plugs and such, and am about to swap outlets/cords/etc. to better test what's happening, but if anyone's had this happen to them I'd love to hear about it.

We've got a spare that needs new bearings that I just haven't had the time to rebuild. And not that I've got that time now LOL but I'd rather know what's going on before I have to swap.

The router with the speed problem is only about three months old, and has gotten a fair amount but by no means too heavy of use...

07-17-2007, 09:24 PM
Ceck the brushes and make shure that the speed sellectore works and is clean .try that .
Bot on

07-17-2007, 09:38 PM
I agree with Stephan. Check variable speed control.

07-18-2007, 12:04 PM
Oh man, thanks a ton. Took the top half of the router apart this morning, cleaned everything really well, closed it back up and now it appears to be working just fine. Still need to get to the bearings shop and get the spare working ASAP for the future, but I'm back in the saddle for today at least...

Thanks again

07-18-2007, 04:52 PM
I've had problems similar over the last three months.

I've returned no less than 3 PC routers to Kentec since April because they started to not hold speed after a couple weeks use.

It seems that Black and Decker bought PC and now they are manufactured in Mexico... My last PC router lastet me 2 years.