View Full Version : Too Many Tool Passes

05-30-2006, 10:23 AM
With Harold Weber's help I've been able to machine some simple vectors and most are vaguely recognizable. =)
However it seems that when I machine along a centerline the tool makes several passes and ends up distorting the first pass.
If no offset is used and if I make the cuts relatively shallow (.125) along with a final depth of .125..why do I generate all those passes and the huge amount of code?
Am I missing something in the settings?

Thanks in advance for any recommendations,

Brady Watson
05-30-2006, 10:59 AM
2 things...1) make sure the material is being held down properly. 2) Change the STEPDOWN distance for the tool you are using in PartWizard (or whatever CAM software you are using).


05-30-2006, 12:29 PM
Is it making several cuts all at the final .125 depth, or a series of cuts with each deeper than the last down to the final .125?

If #1, do you have several copies of the vectors laying on top of each other in your drawing?

If #2, probably stepdown as Brady suggests.

05-30-2006, 03:52 PM
Hi Chuck
Are you trying to cut something out? V carving? What kind of bit are you using? Are you doing this with Part Wizard? We should be able to help you out, but we need more information. It may seem hard for you now, but it isn’t as hard as it looks. I was where you are now when I 1st got my ShopBot

06-01-2006, 06:40 AM
I was cutting out the Indiana University IU logo. I used several different type bits, speeds and start points.
With all the suggestions I've received I believe I've eliminated most of my problems. I mirrored half the vectors in Art Cam and created unwanted copies as Ken suggested. My stepdown setting was incorrect as Brady suggested, my Z carriage was a little loose and needed adjusting as Paul Z suggested in an email.
Slowly but surely I'm working through all the potential problems and I should have a better understanding after ArtCam training next month.

Thanks to all!