View Full Version : How can you piece CNC code
01-25-2005, 12:02 PM
I have a question on CNC code. Piecing diffrent tools and locations together to form a complete part,so that only pieces of code can be stored in a datababse and then used in diffrent parts by only insertering the code so that the right tools and parts get punched out(no outlines). Is that possible with ShopBot software. I am in the Hollow metal industry making doors and Frames using Auto Cad.
Hi Martin!
Yes; you can have a "librairy" of pre-set codes (files) for using 'em in main/later files. Like having a sets of headers and footers and routines... something is coming about this soon...
Is this what your were asking?...
Martin S (Unregistered Guest)
01-25-2005, 02:01 PM
Hi Paco
Yes that is what I am talking about. Basicaly already created NC code and piecing it like a puzzle together using a database to merge the code together to form cut outs in the metal with th right tool and place them in the right location like hinges and strikes . Is there any software out there now so we can build Cad designs and write NC code.
you may use a database to "merge" differnet code/files together but a simple text editor will do the job!?... I would suggest NoteTab (Yes, Note-T-ab. The light version is FREE!!!) in which you can open/edit as many files as you wish... and even more functionality...
You plan to cut metal?...
Many CAD/CAM packages are available... more specific question(s)?
Martin S (Unregistered Guest)
01-25-2005, 03:14 PM
I am not looking to edit the actual code. I am using a CNC punch machine to punch out the diffrent size cut outs that I need at various locations. instead of creating a Part in in 2D with all the parts contructed I want to take the Code for those cut outs to creat a database to select the diffrent combination . I am looking for software to take the CNC code generated for the CNC machine and put them together tomake a part. In simple terms I for example I have a bunch of of MP3`s on my hard drive and I want to burn a mix CD to make one complete CD . I hope this makes it clearer. Oh and I am using Metal with diffrent gauages
Hummm... you got me there... could database combine two (or more) "text" file togheter (never seen it)??!! I did understand what you want to do though. With a text editor, you can "select all" lines of a file than copy it to another... and so on... but I guess your looking for something even more automatic!? Right?
Do you punch with a Bot?!?!
01-25-2005, 05:09 PM
You could create a ShopBot file for each cutout with the 0,0 point at the same place in each one, maybe in the center of the part or on the same corner. Then when you want to cut the parts you could create another file that moved to the starting point for each cutout and called the cutout file in 2d offset mode.
Here's a simplified example...
J2, 12, 0
FP, hingecutout.sbp,,,,, 2
J2, 24, 5.25
FP, lockhole.sbp,,,,, 2
J2, 72, 0
FP, hingecutout.sbp,,,,, 2
Is that what you had in mind?
Martin S (Unregistered Guest)
01-25-2005, 05:28 PM
Bill, That is basically what I am looking for. It would be easy for us to locate the 0,0 point in the same place for each piece of code. But we are looking for a program (software) that can take all of the piecewise nc codes and combine them. We need something that will come afterwards and compile all of the nc codes in a manner that somewhat optimizes the tool hits. It would not be feasable to have the machine punch out each cutout at a time. For example many of our parts are long and require the clamps to reposition. It would not be desirable to have the clamps reposition many times to go back and forth, and also change tools back and forth. We need a compiler that can sort all of the piecewise codes so that the final code is organized by tool, and clamp position. I hope I am making sense with what I am saying,
thanks ps. we are using weideman 2500 and 3000 punch machines.
01-26-2005, 01:40 PM
As far as I know, the method that Bill suggested is about as good as it gets. I use that method almost exclusively when I cut multiple parts, adding an 'Init' section to turn on the router motor, and a 'Fini' section to turn off the motor and park the carriage.
The biggest benefit to me is that each part can be highly optimised with ramping, step-down drilling, and optimised move speeds modified as experience is gained.
The biggest drawback, is part location (the J2,X,Y lines in the example above). I tend to gang up sub-assemblies that fit quarter or half sheets of material to assist in the part location problem.
If you find some nesting software that does the job for you, please let the rest of us know.
01-26-2005, 01:58 PM
Guys, Martin does not have a ShopBot, nor does he have SB software. He does not work with routers.
He is asking us how to piece together parts of his Weidemann CNC code. The best that I can suggest is that he contact others in his industry with similar machines and software. This software ( might help. Also see lower down on this page (
Martin S (Unregistered Guest)
01-26-2005, 02:36 PM
I was asking about your software becuase it has the functionality that we need and could be used to make our systems and database work more effectivly. I got some great info from you guys and Bill which has opened other avenues for us. Thank you . Please if you know more let me now.
ron brown
01-27-2005, 08:46 AM
I'm not a database Wizard but a good database and arguments would make a powerful tool.
01-27-2005, 11:37 AM
I don't know exactly what you had in mind, but you could think of a feature based CAM software as a database with arguments. A hole, a pocket, etc are all "objects" to wich are assigned geometry and manufacturing definitions.
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