View Full Version : Problem with E-stop

08-13-2008, 01:17 PM
After many weeks getting my recently purchased PRTalpha set up and wired, I'm finally ready to give it a test drive!! However, when I turn on the control box and start the SB software, I get a pop-up message window that says:

"The remote stop button connected to input #4 appears to be on and needs to be checked"

This message is also confirmed by the fact that the #4 input indicator in the on-screen Shopbot Position window is also "illuminated". I've obviously checked the E-stop itself - turned the knob to make the button pop out - mechanically, the switch looks ok (not damaged, dirty, or worn).

Here's some other details that might help to diagnose this problem:

1) When I moved the Bot to my shop, I had disconnected the wiring for axis motors, limit switches, E-stop, etc. so the control box could be safely moved by itself. I made careful note of all wire locations. However, if it matters, I did remove and then subsequently reconnect the 4 wires going to the E-stop connector on the control board. Wiring connections were/are: green wire to ES1; black wire to ES2; red wire to ES3; and white wire to ES4.

2) In addition to the wire connections mentioned above, there were/are two small resistors/capacitors/??? that connect between the ES2 and ES4 terminals and the Input Ground connector just to the right of the E-Stop connector. I don't know what purpose these items serve, though a brief forum search leads me to guess that they might be there to eliminate electronic noise. They are small, green enamel looking gadgets, rectangular in proportion, and are labeled with the text "2A 103K" (103K ohm resistor???).

3) As I was cleaning some dust out of the control box cabinet (using low-pressure compressed air, careful to avoid static electricity), I noticed an additional, identical resistor (or whatever it is) lying in the rear corner of the cabinet bottom. I'm 99% certain this didn't come loose when I was uncabling anything - I was careful to retighten all connectors and would have made note of items like this. My guess is it might have been an extra device left in the cabinet, but maybe it's the source of my problem??

4) The Bot was working properly before I disconnected it and removed the wiring, so I think I'm just dealing with a wiring problem of some kind as I've reconnected it.

5) I double checked the "normally closed" configurtion of the E-stop with the VN command, and I even tried the "normally open" option just to see if that would make a difference, but neither solved the problem.

So, does anybody have any clues about what the problem is and how to solve it? Also, if it's related, when I first start the SB software and get the Shopbot Console window, there's are about 10 or 15 lines of "info" that pop up and then subsequently disappear a half-second later. I can't find a way to recall that info or scroll back and see what it said. How would I do that?

Thanks in advance for assisting with this silly newbie question/problem.



08-13-2008, 02:01 PM
Hi John,

Try pushing the "Reset" button on the control box and you should be ready to roll. If that doesn't fix it, give tech support a call and they'll get you going quickly.

(I agree that that message is not very helpful in your case, and it's being changed in the software. It SHOULD also say is "If you're just starting the software, make sure that you've pushed the Reset button to connect to the control box". FYI, If you push the Reset button after powering up the Control box but before starting the ShopBot software, you won't see that message)


08-13-2008, 02:32 PM
Also you will get error messages if you don't do the startup sequence correctly.

You need to go to the control box, turn the power on, then push the reset button.
THEN click the icon for the shopbot control software and start up the program. It will ping the machine and make sure you have a machine hooked to the computer.

08-13-2008, 03:35 PM
Yep, that did the trick....

I was carefully following the owners manual (printed 2005), but it didn't specify the start-up sequence, nor even mention the need for the Reset button.

Anyway, thanks to Bill and Jack for helping out so quickly. I'm off and running and only had to push the E-stop button once so far (at least I know it works!!).



08-13-2008, 04:23 PM
I suggest you keep the E stop in your hand for the first week because i guarantee before this day is over you will need to use it again.

The problem with using the E stop though is that when you hit that button (if i remember correctly) it stops EVERYTHING and you lose all your settings.
If you see yourself starting to have a problem you can just hit the spacebar and that will pause everything and allow you to resume the file without shutting everything down and losing settings.
Start a file, let it run then hit the spacebar and see what happens I think you will prefer the spacebar but be warned sometimes you have to hit it repeatedly to get the file to stop. The Estop is probably safer to use but I tend to use the spacebar more.

08-13-2008, 10:33 PM
John, I know that you already fixed your problem, but I'm gonna share my story, perhaps it's usefull for somebody else. Pardon my english, I speak spanish.

I'm from Guatemala, Central America. I ordered a PRSAlpha9660 in december and received it in march. After one long weekend I got it assembled, leveled and squared.

After installing the software and trying to connect to the control box I kept getting the message you mention.

I checked all the connections again and again. I called tech support, and they got me through all the things I could possibly have done wrong or incorrectly installed. I remember checking the settings you mention like the configuration of the switches. I even opened the e-stops to check if there was something wrong there.

After three frustating days, I decided to check the control box turned on with a tester. I followed the diagrams (I'm not an electrical engeneer, but I understand a little).

To my surprise, what I found was that the cables comming from the 5v (or 24v, I don't remember which) going to the main board were loose in the little blue connectors. I noticed that because I didn't get any voltage reading after that point.

I just pushed those firmly I finaly got the sweet sound of the releays closing after you hit the reset button.

I told tech support this situation and they sent me another set of the little blue switches.

The lesson here is that the messages in the software can be a little misleading, because the problem was never in the e-stop switch.

Regardless of this, I think my Shopbot is a very fine piece of hardware.

Hope this is usefull to somebody.


08-13-2008, 10:57 PM
Jack & Carlos,

Thanks for your additional suggestions and comments - very helpful to me and hopefully other new users.

As Carlos mentioned, there's certainly something inherently pleasing and visceral to that big "thunk" sound when you press the reset button and all the drivers engage for the first time. Plus, a gantry that could be easily pushed around seconds early locks fully in place and is ready to drive... Sweet!

Now it's time to take that computer science degree that I got 20 years ago and start using it again. Woodworking and computers - my two favorite things..... :-)


08-13-2008, 11:06 PM
Same goes for me!!

I'm a software engineer, and I'v been developing businness software for companies for about 18 year. And I've been teaching computer science courses in a university here in Guatemala for that same amount of years.

I discovered woodworking 10 year ago. And I discovered CNC 5 years ago. And now I'm in love with my shopbot (And my wife knows)

08-13-2008, 11:38 PM

Just don't give your ShopBot a woman's nickname or your wife will really get jealous..... :-)


08-14-2008, 05:19 PM
Ahhh yes. I am a computer guy too and worked with automated equipment in a lab for many years.
There is really something pleasing about that "thunk" sound when the motors are energized...