View Full Version : Timing Problems

10-16-2002, 10:30 PM
I just had to replace the Video card in My SB PC.
(I let the Smoke Escape) and I lost my AGP slot so I put in a pci video card(TNT2) now when I start the SB program I get a timming error message
The prog still loads and everything works but will this cause a problem with the motors or is there some thing I can do. I did all the reboots and restarts and nothing.
Any Ideas would be appriciated.

10-17-2002, 10:55 AM
Hi Bill,

The timing should not cause serious problems with your motors. You should be able to hard code the timing to get rid of the error. I copied an explantion of the procedure that Ted gave in an email below:

Timing primarly influences how ramping is done. If we don't get a good timing measurement, then the tool may either ramp very slowly or too abruptly. The measurement is typically only a problem with a fast computer in Windows, or a computer that is running a number of programs. Assuming you are running in Windows, here's how to deal with it (the new ShopBot software will not have this issue):

Use the [UP] Command to re-sample the computer speed half a dozen times. Write the values down and look through them. Throw out the extremes, and take the average, then decrease the number by about 10%. Let's say you got about 500 ... so we'll call it 450. OK ... let's put this number
to use.

Find the file called SbCut.bat in the Sb200 folder. Open it with a Text Editor like Notepad. The last line of the file currently looks like this:

sb.exe %1,,,,

Change it so it looks like this:

sb.exe %1,,,{your number}, e.g. sb.exe %1,,,450,

This procedure will hardcode the timing check on your computer so that windows does not get any strange timing values. Funny timing values are
usually the cause of uneven ramping. This problem does not occur in DOS.

10-17-2002, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the info Ill give that a try. I would just go and use SB in dos but I would lose my network connection and Im to lazy to transfer files to disk.

10-17-2002, 02:27 PM
Your network could cause timing trouble. You might want to make a briefcase on your shop commputer, then sysconise it with your design machine. After you've got all the info restart your system in Dos.

10-18-2002, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the Help.. I got it fixed. FYI When I changed out Vid Cards some of my properties got Changed(Windows Strikes again Thanks Bill Gates.)
If your running out of windows make your Shortcut on your desk then right click on the icon and open Properties there is a box that says "Prevent DOS programs from detecting widows" Make sure that is checked then you can run SB in DOS shell without any problems. I have been doing that since I got the machine. But Make sure you have no Screensaver or the energy saver active or it will turn off while your running and interupt your cutting but you can continue from it stoped once you re enter windows.
Thanks Again Bill