View Full Version : Engaging Router Motor

01-16-2010, 02:30 PM
I have a new PRSstandard 48x96 with a Porter Cable Router. I just got it set up and I am able to move the carrage in all directions X,Y,Z, however the router motor will not turn on when I start a part file. The router switch is in the "On" position as well as the disconnect key on the control panel face. I have unpluged the router from the cable that leads to the control box and got it to turn on using a sperate extention cord, so I know the router motor is good. What am I missing, is there a command to make the motor start and stop in the control software? The test logo file ran fine, but the motor never turned on. Help!!!

01-16-2010, 03:01 PM
What program did you make the file in? Some programs and versions of programs don't have the "auto turn on" written into the filemaking process.

01-16-2010, 03:35 PM
The only program I have attemped to run was the one provided by Shopbot to cut thier logo. I have not even been able to surface the table since the router won't go on.

01-16-2010, 03:42 PM
Have you tried they key in the other position?

I found the way it's worded is confusing and I thought it was on when it was off.

Also there is a jumper on the control board for spindle/router that might be on the wrong setting.

01-16-2010, 04:46 PM
The test logo file that is included with the SB3 software does not include the codes to turn on/off the router. It's an old file - I heard it was coded by hand before the CAM software that we use today existed. At that time the router was turned on/off manually using the switch on top of the router.

If you create a file in PartWorks using the "ShopBot (arcs)(inch) (*.sbp)" post processor that file will include spindle on/off commands - should get you going for testing everything else.

01-16-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I will give them a try. I can't wait to get up and running. I have alot to learn. I was hoping the router would auto start and stop without using the switch.

01-16-2010, 07:04 PM
The Test logo program that was included with my Very Recent PRS standard does turn on the router. Guessing they might have added the spindle on/off command to it, I will check later on tonight.

When running a file on my machine the control software shows a prompt to turn on router or spindle, and at that time the relay turns on. Then when the router/spindle is running you click ok or hit enter to resume.

Open the keypad, (type k) while in move/cut mode and turn on output 1 manually at the bottom of the window. Unless I am completely mistaken thats what it is on my machine. The router should come on, provided of course its plugged in, the switch, and interlock are on.

This should tell you quite a bit as to what the problem is.

I would also open up the control box and verify the electrical connections to the relay, and switch.

01-16-2010, 08:57 PM
Interesting Michael - my machine was new in July, so the spindle on/off command must have been added since then...

I get the same message prompt that Michael mentions when a file tries to turn on the spindle on my Alpha.

When I first put the bot together - before I had created any cut files, I tried to use the keypad to manually turn the spindle on/off. I remember that just clicking on output 1 didn't do anything. I finally found that I had to turn on output 1 and then push the spindle start button on the Alpha's pendant. There was no message that popped up when I used the keypad.

01-17-2010, 01:40 PM
Michael your suggestion worked. Thanks alot. Once the output switch was in the correct posistion the router turns on and off with the file. I entered another question concerning file conversions since I now am trying to get my Partworks files to run.