View Full Version : Z-zero Plate not functioning right

12-12-2006, 05:37 PM
Tried running the command to zero the z, but all it does is keep grinding or bouncing off the plate. What can I do to zero?

Brady Watson
12-12-2006, 06:45 PM
Touch the plate to some of the bolt heads on the table, does Input 1 light up? If no, then:

Check the z-zero plate wiring in the control box. White goes to ground, black goes to Input 1.

If it does light up when you touch a bolt head or rail, and not when you touch the bit then:

1) Your router is not grounding thru to the rest of the machine. Put the clip (or a ground wire) on the router collet when you use the plate.


2) You are using a coated bit that is insulated from it's base metal and the ground cannot be completed. If this is the case, then manually set the zero using K & the ZZ command.


12-12-2006, 09:32 PM
One issue I had a while back (while trying to demo the new machine for my parents) was that the clip was only touching the painted part of the bit. It didn't have contact and thus the bit wouldn't zero. Now I always make sure that the clamp is on the carbide of the cutter.

12-12-2006, 10:03 PM
On this topic, I quit putting the clip on the bit at all. It is cliped to a bare bolt on the Y car. I have a habit of touching the bit with the plate and watching the input respond before running any touch routines. It has worked well. I only have the plate to fuss with.


12-13-2006, 08:43 AM
If you have a spindle, the bit and collet are grounded anyway, removing the necessity for the clip.