View Full Version : ANOTHER Vista issue!

01-04-2009, 08:47 PM
After installing my new computer for the 'bot and installing all the programs I have been using to cut with on the 'bot, I came across an issue. Well, more like several issues. The first issue is that my USB converter cable software won't work with Vista, but I may have figured that out bu going to the IOGEAR site and downloading the new drivers. Hopefully at least now my control box will be able to be seen. The other BIG issue is Part Wizard. Does Part Wizard work with Vista? I do have PartWorks and that loaded fine. PartWizard didn't work at all. Any ideas?

01-14-2009, 11:45 PM
Solved!! Vista removed.....XP Installed.

02-11-2009, 04:59 PM
Vista Home or Business? Vista Home is awful, crippled, awful, limited, awful, cruddy, awful, Junk. Did I mention it is awful?

Business works well for me. On some programs you need to run them in XP compatibility mode. Just right click the program, properties, Compatiblity tab and check the box, choosing XP SP 2 mode.

Of course, you said you uninstalled it so I guess your problems are over. But if you go back or anyone else tries... Vista Home is awful, skip it and go to the Business version.


02-11-2009, 07:24 PM
Hey Harry....tell us how you really feel about it?

02-11-2009, 09:21 PM
It's awful... dang Jack, don't you pay attention?



02-13-2009, 10:42 AM
I bought a new laptop and had three IT guys working on it for a week just to be able to get rid of Vista. Microsoft is a bunch of whores.

02-13-2009, 11:28 AM
Erik, Microsoft has been very good to me, I've made a good bit of money with their products and while I agree they do things that are less than auspicous at times, I'd hardly classify them as "whores".

As for your 3 IT guys taking a week to remove Vista... you need some new IT guys. I can nuke vista in 30 seconds and begin the load proccess for XP in the next minute which takes about 30 to 45 minutes. I manage Vista Business on more than 20 systems, it is better than XP Pro in many ways with more features and I've found it to be solid. ANY version of Vista Home is awful and Microsoft did a disservice ever creating it.

That said, I have come across a few programs that won't run on Vista... in fact I've only encountered 2 I couldn't get to run on vista Business. One of those I learned literally checked to see if you were on a Vista system and refused to run. A petty jab at Microsoft that damages the releasing company far more than Microsoft will ever care. I got my money back on that software which is a feat, so who got hurt? Anyway, in those rare cases you gotta do what you gotta do.


02-13-2009, 12:37 PM
For the most part, I agree with you Robert. However on some new notebooks they simply do not write drivers for XP which means you must go to the original makers of the sub-component and hope to find something that will work. I've been in the business many years and backed Vista off many machines, but last year I met a Toshiba that I couldn't downgrade. Maybe with an unlimited budget of time and money, but not in reality.

I have several vertical market apps that keep me in XP even if I were to wish to move to Vista.


02-14-2009, 02:32 AM
Not sure why Vista gave me issues. I couldn't use PartWizard with it and it didn't seem to like PartWorks either. XP was put on and Vista was removed. I did have to find the drivers for some of the programs since this is pc had Vista to begin with. Thanks to a good friend, he was easily able to make the changes with no problems. All has been solved for now and I am happily cutting again!