View Full Version : Not accepting tool parameters in Parts Wizard
05-28-2008, 10:33 PM
First time I've ever encountered this...
Wanted to cut a piece of wood .4" thick in three passes with a .25" cutter so I adjusted the stepdown within the tool dialogue box to .15".
The Shopbot refuses to accept the changes and instead cuts the full depth in a single pass???
I thought I had screwed up so I tried it a few more times with different cutters within Parts Wizard, same results.
Why do these things always go wrong on the last job of the day?
05-29-2008, 11:05 AM
The shopbot isn't able to refuse any or all of the instructions it is given, the problem is in wizard with generating the SBP file. On more than one occasion I have changed things then forgotten to go and regenerate a new SBP file so my changes get ignored in the next run.
I suspect that has happened to you.. as to your last question.. I think mistakes are much more likely to happen as the day drags on. Sometimes I have reached a point where I have decided the deadline will have to be missed, its better to not break things or hurt myself, so I clean up and call it a night. Sometimes I can get up an hour or two earlier and get finished in time.
I quick suggestion, check the modification date of your SBP file, if the time of modification is AFTER you made your changes, then you may need to hit the EDIT/RECALCULATE ALL TOOL PATHS before regenerating the SBP file with the changes..
Hope that helps
05-29-2008, 11:24 AM
Dana, thanks for your reply.
This is the strange thing...
this was just a repetition of the file (100 pieces)
that I had been cutting all day long without any toolpath modification.
As I had posted, I did try rewriting the toolpath a couple of times to rectify the situation but had the same results.
I'm about to start on the second half of the order, I'm just getting the spindle warmed up.
I'll report the results shortly.
05-29-2008, 11:54 AM
Well, everythings' back to normal - go figure.
BTW, the second part of my question was only rhetorical ;-)
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