View Full Version : One of my y motors shuts off????

09-06-2007, 08:00 AM
While running any program one of the motors shuts off....if I reboot the computer it comes back on line, any ideas what is causing this? It creates havoc as it twisted my gantry off the rollers and knocked off my zero limit sensors.
i have cheched the wiring etc. and all is well and the gecko driver light remains on.

09-06-2007, 09:25 AM
A Gecko stepper drive will turn off automatically if it gets too hot. I use heat sinks on all fourteen of my Gecko drives to keep that from happening. On one of my drives I experimented with a 'light duty heat-sink' by bolting on a piece of 4" X 4" X 1/4" aluminum plate (using some heat-sink compound from Radio Shack). That stepper driver has never faulted yet.

Lacking heat sinks, you may want to try blowing air across the Geckos with an ordinary box fan (the 16" X 16" or larger size that you would use to move air around in an average sized bedroom). I use that method to keep air circulating around my PRT-Alpha's control box when shop temperatures hit the 100+ mark.

09-06-2007, 09:32 PM
Thanks Mike, I will give this a try!