View Full Version : Odd Indexer

03-05-2007, 12:22 PM
I am trying o turn a 5" round blank along the Y axis using the indexers "Turn a blank to a finished size" command. The problem is that while I set the beginning and end diameters to 5" the shopbot is climbing at approx. .001" per inch of travel. I do not recall this problem when I was alligned wih the X axis and it is occuring with both of my computers. The climb is showing up physically and in the Z position box. Any ideas about whats happening?

03-05-2007, 12:34 PM
Hey John,

There shouldn't be any difference between the X-parallel and Y-parallel versions...not in theory at least!

If you could email the indexer file that you created along with any info that you think might be helpful... what version of the ShopBot software you're running, any changes to your setup, that sort of thing...I'll see what I can figure out.
