View Full Version : Problem with lines

06-19-2007, 07:08 PM
I have been getting these lines in my carvings and I'm not sure why it is doing this. FYI, this was carved at an 8% stepover. I have a Benchtop PRT/w upgraded 4G board. Is it the Router? Is it the "Z"? Where do I start? Thanks, Oscar


Brady Watson
06-20-2007, 03:14 AM
At 1st glance, I would say that you have one of the following conditions:

1) Rails have debris embeded in them. Run some steel wool down them to soften any sharp edges that could transfer to the cut.

2) Worn pinons. Check & replace. Be sure to grease.* (See #5)

3) Debris in the teeth of the rack. Clean rack by pulling teeth clean with a toothbrush or other appropriate instrument. Apply fresh grease.

4) T-rail loose between v-rollers or router mount loose. Check & adjust if necessary.

5) Z axis pinion worn or has improper rack to pinion clearance. Power up control box and wiggle t-rail up & down. If you hear 'ticking', then you need to inspect & adjust Z-axis pinion to rack clearance. Adjustment requires some skill so that it is not too loose or too tight. Either will prematurely wear out pinion.

Hope that helps.
