View Full Version : Modifying a Shopbot PR machine

06-29-2004, 11:11 AM
I just got some pix from Jimmy Arnesan which show how he upgraded his vintage Shopbot PR machine. For any of you that have previously owned, or currently own, the PR you know that the orientation of the wheel cars on the Y axis can sometimes make it very time consuming to re-align the carraige if you have an "accident"and your machine gets de-railed..
Jimmy solved the issue by ordering some new rails from Bishop Wisecarver and had them attached to his existing X rails. He then rotated the wheel bars 45 degrees so that they would now ride on this new track in an upright orientation, instead of at an angle. This has given him a simpler setup which he claims is running very smooth, and accurately. I think it's a pretty slick fix for anyone owning a PR and not ready for the upgrade path to a PRT/Alpha in the immediate future. If you have any questions about this process you can contact Jimmy at; jimmya@charter.net (mailto:jimmya@charter.net)