View Full Version : New Buddy user..

04-27-2008, 06:15 PM
Folks, I am having a terrible time getting my new machine to work properly. Let me say first that I am sure it is me or my computer and my lack of computer skills that are the problem/problems. I am taking it one step at a time and am trying the quick start carving programs first, such as the "Business card holder". Either I am going to have to get my wife to change her name to "Shopbottools", or quit trying to type her name into the name plate area. So far, the machine has carved out a holder, but will not change the "name" area. Now, the thing will start carving for a little while and then shudder a little bit and then stop. I have been reading your posts and have found some similar problems from other people, but unfortunately I can't figure out what the replys mean. As you may have figured out, I am very weak in computer skills. If you can help me, please talk to me like I am 4 years old. I promise not to be offended. My machine is brand new PRS standard with a PC router and I have a 2000 and something Dell with 512k something and Windows XP ? Thanks for any help, joe

04-27-2008, 06:26 PM
This is sometimes the problem where the more experienced users tend to talk in "shopbot shorthand" and it leaves the less experienced scratching their heads (me included).

The stuttering i can't help you with that is probably a tech support issue.

04-27-2008, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the reply, Jack. It doesn't really stutter, it just moves its last and stops, kind of like in the middle of something. I also forgot to mention that I accidently tripped on the USB cable form the computer to the control box and jerked it out of the back of the computer. It seems ok, but maybe that is part of my problem. I tried to check inside the control box, but it is partially closed and from what I can tell, the usb cable is secured to the back of the control box, so I hope there is no damage in there. thanks, joe

04-27-2008, 07:18 PM
Joe, you did not say whether the machine stops cutting at EXACTLY the same physical place (X,Y, and Z location) every time, and what is displayed on the screen when it stops.

One cause could be your computer. Ted Hall posted some help at the following location back in 2006:


You will need to scroll down to find the 2006 post. Try to read it the best you can, you will get ideas from it.

04-27-2008, 10:43 PM
Does the error message read 'Proximity Switch Hit', if it does, it could be that the machine is not grounded properly (happened to me), or that tripping over your USB cable caused some damage to the cable or to the connection.

04-28-2008, 01:03 AM
Hi Joe- I have a BT32 and am driving it with a old laptop running XP with 512meg also. That has not been a problem.. then that is no guarantee for your case, but probably the problem is elsewhere.

You say you have been trying to type your wifes name into the "name" area. Just what are you doing there? What program are you running at that time? Partworks? Notepad? SBEdit?

The stuttering to a stop can happen if you have changed the name in the wrong place and perhaps created a SBP file the machine cant interpret.

Don't fear a lack of computer experience, making things with a shopbot isn't obvious, but it isn't rocket science either. I expect you will be getting satisfying results pretty quickly..

04-28-2008, 08:36 AM
Thanks for the replies, folks, yes, it stops at the same place everytime. I forgot to mention that with the new Buddy machine, they send a "Get Carving Quickly" cd that has among other things a business card holder that has the owner's name engraved on the base of it. Right now it says "Shopbottools", but you are supposed to be able to rewite your or someone else's name. I do get a message that says something like "lost communication, do I want to continue?" I hope this shines a little light on the subject, and thanks again for the help.

Brady Watson
04-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Are you using the USB cable that came with the Bot or have you changed or extended it's length? One helpful tool to give you some insight on the machine/computer's communication efficiency is SpeedTest.exe - You can find it in C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Diagnostics - Run it with the control software (SB3) CLOSED and see what you efficiency rating is. It could be that your computer's USB is not up to snuff & you may need a PCMCIA to USB card that slides in the side of the laptop. Give it a go & see how your machine does.


04-28-2008, 04:29 PM
Thanks, for the advice and the explanation on how to run the test. Yes, It is the usb cable that came with the machine. Unfortunately in my haste to get the machine up and running, I set the control box on a chair and the computer on a work table adjacent to it. So, I have to step over the usb cable to get to the machine, etc. If I need to change the usb cable in the control box, can I get to it from the back? I know to unplug everything first, but I don't want to undo something I can't put back. Again, the original usb cable was fine, untill I tripped on it, now it is possibly damaged and needs inspection on the inside of the control box. Right now I am going to print out everything everyone has suggested and take these home and start working down the list. thanks, joe

Brady Watson
04-29-2008, 12:51 AM
The cable plugs into the control board itself, varying a little between models. If in doubt, just have a look at the manual that came with your tool if you cannot find where it plugs in.

What was the result of your SpeedTest? Post numbers when you complete it.


04-29-2008, 08:47 AM
Brady, I did do a speed test and I think I did it correctly and it came up as a 54. I know that is low. Any suggestions? I think I have turned off the screen saver, etc and the rest of the tips I have gotten recently from the forum. thanks, joe

Brady Watson
04-29-2008, 11:59 AM
Yes, that is really low. You will want to buy a USB 2.0 card for your PC and a USB 2.0 hub that you can plug into the card, and then plug the Bot into that. Do not put a longer USB cable on the machine. This should clear up your problems right away and keep the tool from stopping mid-stream as you described.


04-29-2008, 12:52 PM
Great!! I will do this right away. Thanks for the clear instructions also. I will let you-all know how this works, joe

05-15-2008, 05:54 PM
Just an update, I did install a 2.0 card and new cable and a 2.0 hub. This all adds up to a current efficiency rating of 74. I am now running my carving program without any problems. Thanks for all the help. joe