View Full Version : Proximity Switches

08-22-2009, 05:26 PM
I have a PRS Alpha 96-60-14, picked it up used a while back. I am using 3.5.1 software. I know there is a newer update but this machine was running on the 3.5.1 and I would like to get back working right first before I update. Ok this is what's happening, I turn on the control box and the softwear go to the Shopbot (S)etup and enter my info about the bot. I get to "Make it easy on me...set up my prox switches automatically" tell's me to "Run the prox switch setup rountine" then it hits a pause on line 138 and tells me "one of the prx switches is turned on already" the when I hit ok it shuts the program down. My proxmotiy swiches light up and go off if I put a wrench behind them. I have 24v on them off the card and I have checked the wiring and term connections. I do not see the lights change on the screen when I move the wrench behind the switch (light on the switch goes on and off)....also I have removed the software and reinstalled it.

08-23-2009, 02:59 PM
After reading one of Gary post about grouning I added some on my bot, now the screen light change.

I found out that even tho the LED light on one of the switch's goes on and off it is not opening the switch back at the control panel board.

Will trace out the cable to see it is damaged , and order a new switch tomorrow.....botting soon