View Full Version : Y not responding

12-18-2007, 08:16 AM
My system: I have a new BT32, Columbo 5Hp spindle running single phase, and have recently fully grounded my system and that seems to have taken care of frequent static interruptions that I was having.

Last night I cut a 3D file with no problems. I went back to doing some design work in ArtCAM and no more than 5 minutes later was getting ready to run another file and thought I would C3 again really quickly. It zero'd out fine for the X, but the Y zero'ing routine did nothing - it looks like it is moving from the Shopbot GUI on the screen.

I shut everything down and re-started: same thing.

I checked the limits and they read thusly:

Limits ON or OFF 1 - On
STOP Switch 0 - Normally off
Torch light 0 - Off
Input Switches 1, 4 - 8 0 - Std switch
Input Switches 2 & 3 2 - Normally closed

So I physically moved the spindle in the Y direction - same thing.

I haven't looked to see if a wire came loose. Is there anything else I need to consider before I look for loose wires ?



12-18-2007, 05:29 PM
Make sure the green light is on for the driver in the controller. Never push a motor by hand when it is hooked up-it will cause a feedback to the driver and blow it out. The motor acts as a generator creating current into the driver. Also check your communication cables. When you turn everything off to restart leave it off for a minute or two before restarting to give the drivers time to drain power. With power off unplug and replug wagos and the first connection to check after that is where the wires from the motors go into the board. I have had this happen on occasion (rarely but it does happen) for no apparent reason and a complete shutdown (sometime a couple of times) including the computer solves it.