View Full Version : HELP! Shopbot Connection Problem...

06-06-2007, 03:07 PM
Hello to whom it may concern

About a month and a half ago, I was getting this error on my shopbot
I found out that it was a sticky contactor. I have since "shimmed" it and it has been working fine since. Well today in the middle of a cut, it stopped and said it had lost communication. Now after I reseted everything I'm getting that same error message from a month ago. Do I need to get a new contactor? Any ideas what it can be?

Andrew Escobar
Modesto, Ca.

Brady Watson
06-06-2007, 06:08 PM
ShopBot tech staff do not check the forum to address support issues on any regular basis. You should call them directly at 1-888-680-4466


06-06-2007, 09:57 PM
Andrew, My 4G PRT has started an unusual problem also. During a cut file, move, jog, keypad or probing, at random times the x,y,z moves will just stop. The computer locks up and Output switches 1 & 4 will light up. The only way out of the SB software is CTR/ALT,Delete. The machine losses its position so all axis must be re-zeroed. I can't seem to find a resolve. Communication test is good. 1.4 gig AMD processor is new. Computer is dedicated to the SB and entire system is grounded. Tech service has been assisting and suggested another computer so I will try my laptop tomorrow. Anyone had this issue? Mine has worked for weeks since I installed a faster computer and years prior to that with great reliability.


Brady Watson
06-06-2007, 10:06 PM
Andrew's problem has to do with the electrical contactors (Alphas only) sticking due to excessive heat. Your issue sounds to me like something to do with the USB driver on your computer's motherboard. I had a problem with mine exactly like you are describing (and it was on a 1.4Ghz AMD machine). It passed communications with flying colors, but it would lock up my machine without warning. I installed a new USB PCI card and have not had a problem since. I bought a Belkin (reluctantly) from Staples and it's been working fine...In my experience NOTHING from Belkin is any good...but in this case it seems to be the exception.


06-06-2007, 10:38 PM
Andrew, My 4G PRT has started an unusual problem also. During a cut file, move, jog, keypad or probing, at random times the x,y,z moves will just stop. The computer locks up and Output switches 1 & 4 will light up. The only way out of the SB software is CTR/ALT,Delete. The machine losses its position so all axis must be re-zeroed. I can't seem to find a resolve. Communication test is good. 1.4 gig AMD processor is new. Computer is dedicated to the SB and entire system is grounded. Tech service has been assisting and suggested another computer so I will try my laptop tomorrow. Anyone had this issue? Mine has worked for weeks since I installed a faster computer and years prior to that with great reliability.


06-06-2007, 10:47 PM
Brad, Thanks. I tried a PCI card and it seemed to enhance the problem but I think I may have damaged the card because the computer started acting unusual until I moved the PCI to another slot and then finally remove the card to see if my communication speed was different..it was not so I left it out. Perhaps I should try another card or go Pentium. I checked and my AMD is a 1.6 mhz.
Mine SB is getting so bad that it now locks up during a C2 command. I almost completed a part file before the last lock-up but this time I turned off my control box and then back on..probably just luck and not a control box issue.

06-07-2007, 05:56 AM
I was getting simular problems back in January after some major cleaning. I knew some cables coming out of my control box got moved in the process so every time I had trouble clearing the error I would move the cables and it would clear up for a while and then return again. Finaly I figured the most likely cable that would cause this problem was the USB so I completly unplugged it from both ends and reinserted it. I have not had the problem since.

You might try this or even replace the cable and see it that works.

06-07-2007, 10:45 AM
Thank you everybody for your feedback, I have e-mailed the guys at Shopbot, hopefully I'll hear back from them soon.
Thanks Frank, I'll try messing with my USB cable and see if it has a short anywhere.