View Full Version : Conversion problems

03-13-2001, 12:52 PM
For no apparent reason and after doing many conversions (FC) from DXF using the ShopBot converter, I am getting the following error message. "Dash found in file name. DOS does not like these in file names. Please remove all dashes from the filename and try again." The file is called "one.dxf" I tried dxf files that converted without a problem in the past and am getting the same message. HELP.....

03-13-2001, 02:56 PM
Bob I had that happen 1 time to me, what I did is stop using the FC command and just copy my dxf file and paste it to the UX converter, worked fine ever since.

I copy the ux converter and paste it in the folder where I save my dxf files, then just drag the dxf file and drop it on the ux converter it will now run, it will save the sbp file in the same folder.

Now if you were to copy a dxf file from a diffrent folder? and then paste it on the ux conveter is will save the sbp file to the folder where the dxf files is.

Hope this solves you problem?


03-13-2001, 04:52 PM
Thanks Ron. Your approach works like a charm. It still bothered me that FC just stopped. I was assuming the error message was with respect to the file containing a 'dash' and I didn't have the common sense to look beyond that. The problem was that one of my folders in the path to the file had a dash in it. As soon as I removed it, everything started to work again.

03-13-2001, 11:39 PM
Bob glad to here you found the problem.

David Snow
05-09-2002, 12:50 AM
HELP!!!!!! the tif converter has stoped working when i try to do a tif conversion the "pink" window pops up for about 1/2 secound and then goes back to the main program with nothing saved and never going through the normal dialog etc. then if i look at the table top in preview it shows a small dot what in the world is happening? David in Wyoming

05-09-2002, 01:55 AM
never mind guys I did a dahhhhh my new photo editing program has a hidden compression access so I was trying to open a compressed file. that is a no no in the tif converter. dahhhh David in Wyoming

05-24-2002, 04:57 AM
Howdy! I am new to all of this, hoping to purchase a SB later this year if I can get the shop set up! I have just started practicing with converting files from TurboCad to sbp files. I have one that was a scanned drawing that I converted with WinTopo's free version...it came out alright after a little resizing and whatnot. The SB preview mode looked alright, but is there any way to prevent the x-y Jogs from showing in preview? Sounds silly I guess, but this file has a lot of Jogs and they kind of cover over the actual cut path pretty much. Maybe I'll just have to wait untill I am able to purchase the SB, but if there is an easy way to not show Jogs during Preview mode...please let me know.

08-26-2002, 12:55 AM
My Shopbot should be here tuesday and I have been trying to convert dxf files to sb files which work's. But every time the conversion sets the part in the negitive x axes for all or part of the cut . I'm shure it is something I'm doing but I dont have a clue. I well be to (busey ? bad spelling) assembling the SB for it to matter much but I well need to know sooner or later. I got the steel table assembled today. what a job for one man!

08-26-2002, 04:59 PM
Edward it would be helpful if you would
give a bit more info, as to what programs you are using, (to create and covert) the files with..

08-27-2002, 01:32 AM
Thanks Dan
( Virgin ) here I was using corel draw 6
and turbocad7.0 pro. I found latter from Frank that corel uses the center for .0.0 It is shure nice of you to care . I have spent more time today reading the forum and picked up some tips I beleave should prevent some more problens.But I'm shure I well be back asking more.

08-28-2002, 03:19 PM
Ed, I'm glad Frank was able to sort you out. Regarding Cliffcws' question: There are a few ways to do what you are hoping to do. The easiest is probably to open the file in FE, file/edit, and do a search/replace for "J". Replace it with an apostrophe. Save it as some other name. This will cause the ShopBot to ignore all of your J moves and presumably not draw them. I wouldn't suggest trying to cut the file in that incarnation, but if you accidentally lose the old one, it should be a simple matter to reverse the procedure to "J".

As soon as ShopBot 3 control software is out, and trust me, I'm as anxious as anyone, you will have 3d previewing capability and you shouldn't have your view restricted by J moves, as you will be able to just check it out from another angle.